Good morning to all my kittens. I can't believe that Christmas is in only 6 more days. This year has flown by soooo fast..
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I hope every one is well. Could you all please pray for my Daddy? He fell a couple months ago, and recently was able to get up and walk around and drive his car again.. and then.. he fell again.

Now he stays in his recliner chair 24-7 and can't walk at all. He's miserable, doesn't look well and is depressed. I pray every day that God will take him in his sleep, because I don't want another fall to finish him off. At this point, I think prayers for God to take him would be better than prayers for him to get well again, because he will only fall again and he has no good quality of life at all.. I'm glad my brother took all of Daddy's guns out of the house because I truly believe he would use one on himself just to end his agony..