Was a bit troubled today in my mind I have followed the. Or the Korean brethren who are suffering such persecution along with many other communist and socialist nations who do the same to Christians
reports of Christian executions ramping up again and more Christians improsoned tonreplace the executed and fill the work camps in North Korea.
it’s been really weighing on my heart for awhile China working one this one belt one road initiative and thier growing o tolerance for anything Christian . It seems as if the great world wars of the early 20th century against communism and socialism’s spread across Europe have a lot of significance
communism and socialism share the need to make thoer cotizens lotal
Exclusively to their government to
Literally worship them . So Christianity becomes something they must eventually stamp out because Christians are commanded to worship one God and one name and recognize his authority over mans.
I see now the tinges and beginnings of democratic socialism in the west liberal far left ideology and the thirst the western governments have for controlling information and access to it of course in the west it’s beginning to show up but hasn’t yet come into the open
in America now days there’s a massive shoft against Christians beliefs we’re free to have any religion but our core beliefs are under assault and the group think is beginning to rule the people
Christians don’t and can’t agree with many things the masses insist upon , it seems as if it’s beginning to reach the ends of the earth this ideaology of government having complete authority even over what we believe and think is right.
troubled a bit so thought I would rant , thanks for the thread perfect place To vent this concern