Looks like a tasty dinner

Think I might try a sloppy joe this weekend. I think for ease I'll make a bolognese.. sounds fancy its all from a Jar and packets.. Mince is frozen , bolognese in a jar lol
Plus, I don't fancy spending anymore money this week lol

Talking of money --I have a wee story for you all -----
There was an Ole Scotsman who lived in an ole toon hoose. One night as he was sleeping. He awoke with a jolt from banging coming from down the stairs. It took the ole man a second or two before he was 'compos mentis'. The sound of movement from feet on creaking floorboards moved through the air to the old man's ears.
Stealthfully maneuvering out and off his bed. The ole man stretched an arm out to reach for his torch. With torch in hand the Ole man with a feather step went slowly down the stairs reaching the bottom step, without a creak or squeal from the mouth of the wooden staircase. The ole man stopped and listened.
Moving furniture and rustling of papers emit their song at the push and pull of the intruder - like a conductor directing his orchestra.
The ole man mustered his strength and entered the living room. The song and dance of the furniture and rustling paper and the conductor came to a grand pause. The Ole man girding himself for battle lifted his torch and shone the light upon the face of intruder.
"whit are ye doin in ma hoose" ? The ole man asked.
"Am here tae tak yer money, valuables Ana" was the intruders reply.
The ole mans in a mercurial manner eyes wider his head lifts.
"Why didnae ye say so sooner, wait right here. I'll gan get the spare torch, and we can search the hoose fir money taegether"