Yes, I do Magenta, along with WWII Docs as well.. Any recommendation will be welcome 
It was four years in the making
1 "One Planet" click
2 "Frozen Worlds" click
3 "Jungles" click
4 "Coastal Seas" click
5 "From Deserts to Grasslands" click
6 "High Seas" click
7 "Fresh Water" click
8 "Forests" click
Another I really liked was called A Plastic Ocean
I had to pause it half way through to weep for the loss of marine life due to our love
of plastics, how they are disposed, and the fact that it never breaks down, just apart.
63 billion gallons of oil are used every year just to supply the U.S. with
plastic water bottles, more than 90% of which are one-time use only.
The U.S. alone throws away 38 billion bottles every year, equaling 2 million
tonnes of plastic going into U.S. landfills, and that is only counting water
bottles, amounting to approximately 300 pounds of single-use plastic
disposed per person per year. 80% of the litter along the shorelines of the
Great Lakes is plastic. This level of plastic debris is found all around the world.
The Mediterranean Sea is one of the most polluted bodies of water on the planet,
where recent findings show a 1-to-2 ratio of plastic to plankton. That is not
counting other types of garbage such as metal, rubber, and netting etc.
^ From that documentary...
Another is is, My Octopus Teacher which follows South African filmmaker Craig Foster
during the year he spent with a wild octopus while freediving off the coast of South Africa.
He documented the highs and lows of the octopus’ life while developing a beautiful friendship
with the wild animal. Craig said in the documentary that he needed a “radical change” in his life
so he began going diving every day off the Western Cape of South Africa. While wandering through
a kelp forest, he discovered an octopus and became fascinated with the animal. Truly sweet.
More? How about The Ivory Game ?
And what about true life dramatizations of history?
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