Live4Him said:
I actually cut out all caffeine about 33 years ago.
seriously folks........
it's going to be a tough weekend.
Drank me last papsi yesterday........
now the longest I've gone without has been 6or 7 weeks, then well you know "just one little sip won't hurt you" and I'm back on that vicious cycle

Hubs is like "get some coffee in you"
but I really do have a caffine sensitivity, and well
@p_rehbein sums it up:
if I can't drink it for the java high energizer bunny benefits, then whats the point?
@Live4Him just how were you able to give it up and function all these years without?
Actually, it was 32 1/2 years ago...right after I got saved.
I almost died of a drug overdose (cocaine) back then, and I got saved immediately thereafter.
Although I had done several different types of drugs (marijuana, hash, opium, cocaine, acid once) for 11 straight years prior to that, by the grace of God, I had absolutely no withdrawals whatsoever when I completely stopped doing drugs when I got saved.
Here's the interesting thing, though...
Without even realizing it up until then, my biggest "drug" was caffeine.
From the time that I was a child, whenever I didn't feel well, the first thing that I always asked for was iced tea because it always made me feel better. Actually, although I didn't realize it at the time, it was the caffeine in the iced tea that gave me a rush.
Anyhow, at the time that I got saved, I was working in my friend's pizzeria, and I used to drink soda with caffeine in it all of the time.
One day, I decided to stop drinking soda, and I couldn't believe THE WITHDRAWALS that I went through.
Seriously, it reminded me of accounts that I've heard from people who were coming off of heroin.
Since then, the most caffeine that I've willfully consumed would be either in a bar of chocolate or a couple of sips (that's all that I can bear without feeling the rush of the drug) of hot chocolate.
I mentioned that I drink decaf espresso (only occasionally), and, one time, my Italian aunt gave me a small cup of caffeinated espresso by mistake, and I literally almost had to go to the hospital after I drank it.
My body is so caffeine-free right now that just the smallest amount of caffeine affects me more than when I actually did cocaine.
Anyhow, that's my own personal experience.