Men's and women's brains by Mark Gungor he is from Wisconsin-
I've seen some his stuff before,

still makes my sides hurt.
And all joking aside, when I first listened to him (while also listening to others who in different ways were saying pretty much the same thing) I DID learn a thing or 2 about hubs

(and men in general) and learned that my natural, God given, female approach to situations WAS NOT going to open any of his brain boxes (or rearrange anything in them for that matter).
SO...... how does a wife change what's in her husbands brain box?

like I'm going to spill ALL our feminine secrets

... (ladies thread room anyone?)
But what I will say is this:
Yes, lessons on male brain vs. female brain are informative, (and often humorous) BUT there are exceptions to this.......
not all males function 100% the same.... like did you see the young guy's face when he was talking about fishing being in the "NOTHING" box? The boy was like "what?"
Now I'm sure if he had said "They go to the "NOTHING" box and can play video games for HOURS" the young boy (and the gal with him) would have lit up and been rolling..........
point is, not all things are the same in all males brain boxes.........
just like not all things that connect a womans brain/emotions are the same.
the point I am trying to get to is this:
I spent a lot of time trying to learn about his brain and what makes it tick........ (and some of that time was wasted, and some of that time spent was helpful) but the most beneficial time spent, and thing learned was this:
It wasn't until I fell down on my knees, hands in the air, crying out "WHAT DO I DO LORD!!!!!?????"
aaaaand some days (okay, okay MOST days) the answer felt like there was no answer....... complete silence.
Until I left that position, and went face down "FATHER..... You made this man. No One knows him better than You........"
and you know what I learned?
it wasn't so much hubs who had to change in the situations (well, YES,

did need to change some things
but that was out of my hands and control. The more I pushed and tried to make him change, the worse it seemed to get)
It was
me that needed to go through some changes.....
I can argue with and try to rationalize away what this person says or that person suggests all day long, as much as I want until the hole I've dug from it seems like it can't get any deeper.
BUT when the Holy Spirit says (paraphrased here) "Stop listening to human given advice, and SUBMIT. Submit to Me, and what I will show/teach/ask of you
THEN you will start to see the situation change for the better."
BEST ADVICE I'VE EVER HEARD (and acted upon)
Now I'm not saying I woke up the next morning and things were all sunshine and roses....... the flowers don't bloom as soon as the snow melts

we're still untangeling my wires and sorting out what's in his boxes, but I can honestly reflect back, stand up and say "look what the Lord has done!!!"
I think I might have a womans brain
that just means your brain boxes are more open than the average males are, and so stuff can jump from one box to another and make "connections"
This was just a joke.

Mostly anyway..