A little bottom heavy, perhaps?
I finally finished that movie you mentioned
I noticed right away it was by Nicholas Sparks? Is that his name, of "The Notebook" fame? He seems to specialize in that type of romance-novel-to-movie-screen type of thing. I did like the adult actors in it, and thought they did a suburb job of matching the younger woman with the more mature version of herself, though no so much with the male lead. And Gerald McRaney
I have seen James Marsden in a few things recently, such as Westworld, and Dead To Me, which was an amazing story also starring Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini, both of whom are very talented, awesome actresses. The movie itself was a bit too fluffy/somber and predictable for me LOL
I kind of had to force myself to watch the end of it
Yes I remember them mentioning on the ads that it was the same writer as the Notebook. I thought it was a nice movie but yes it was predictable. Boy meets girl, then tragedy separating them and then they get back together blah blah blah lol.
I had to google Gerald McRaney to find out which one he was