I don't know how long Great Blue Heron's live........and I've posted pictures of "Harry" here before. When I go fishing at Ditto Landing, in Huntsville, Al ....... on the Tennessee River, old Harry will find me sooner or later. I know it's him, because he has a bad left leg. He has been hanging around me for quite some time begging for a meal.
When I catch small Bream, or such, I will toss them to him, and he'll grab 'em up and swallow them down!

He doesn't mind waiting either. Sometimes, it's quite a wait between catches, but old Harry will just stand behind me watching and waiting. He even knows when I get a strike! And when I start reeling in a fish, Harry will start hopping around and watching closely, and give a squawk or two. He knows lunch is about to be served.
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(this is from last week)