Been awake since 12:30 a.m. My neighbor's smoke alarm going off woke me up. Then the horrendously loud sound of the ice breaking up and grinding against the basement kept me up the rest of the night. The river rose up to flood level until the ice broke, then went down somewhat but it's still at a flood level. It rained all night, then turned into freezing rain, then into sleet and hail. And now it's snowing. :/
There's a gigantic ice jam out back of my building right now. The ducks sure got a surprise when they got here this A whole lotta river, but not much ice to perch on anymore.
Strangely enough, there is a long telephone/transformer pole on the ice, and also what appears to be a metal basket ball hoop holder.. Must've floated down on one of the many huge pieces of ice that broke loose.. lol
And of course, as always when it's nasty cold outside, the hot water heater isn't working, so no one has heat in their apts.. And it's COLD in here. I got long jammy pants, a pair of slippers and a long sleeved fleece robe on.. lol