..........thinking of pizza, years ago, in another lifetime......I was in Stuttgart, West Germany. They had a really, really TALL Tower there, and at the top of the Tower was a Restaurant! I believe it rotated also.....but don't quote me on that.
Anyway, a few of us decided to visit the Tower, ride to the top and check out the Restaurant. What we didn't know is it was a fairly fancy Restaurant..........4 or 5 Star, and we were G.I.'s dressed as G.I.'s tend to dress when off duty....
But, they let us in and as I was reading the Menu which they don't call a Menu, because if you ask for a Menu, you get whatever meal is their "Special of the Day." Just so ya know...... Anyway, about the only thing I recognized on the entire Menu was the word Pizza.........so I thought, "Well, hey, ya can't go wrong with pizza?
When I got my pizza, the waitress set in front of me a 9 or 10 inch round and about 2 inches deep metal pie pan. The entire top of whatever it was.........was a nicely browned crust. It did smell great.........but it DID NOT resemble a pizza. Think of pita pocket not cut in half........Well, determined to eat it because it cost about $4.00 (back then the exchange rate was 3.5 Marks to one Dollar) I cut into it, and out oozed great smelling white cheese, and there were peas, carrots, cocktail onions, and other veggies........It really did taste good.........but, being a G.I. I told the waitress.......
(I never did return to that Restaurant.......don't think they missed me either......)