ah, i suspected Mittens sadness, and missing Tequila.
how old is Mittens? my sister-in-law rescued a dog who had been abused and it took quite a long time to build trust. she (unlike me) is very patient, though, and it worked out, though the dog never outgrew her fear of the basement.
do you think Mittens was just largely ignored and isn't used to attention? orrrr... maybe she's that sort of cat?
cats can be like that, can't they. gotta take them on their terms. little princesses. lol
i'm still sorry you're sad and missing Tequila, little bug. i pray for your hurting heart.
Mittens former owners are all allergic to her. Therefore they couldn't pick her up or hold her or play with her. She snuggles up to me only when I'm petting her. She sleeps in the closet all day, and roams around at night while I'm sleeping. I don't dare pick her up or she'll scratch out my eyeballs.. lol
Even if all she would let me do is hug her, I would be happy.. With Tequila, I picked her up and held her all the time. We would touch our heads together. I could hug her. I could cry into her fur. I could put my head onto her chest and listen to her purr.
I think a big part of why I'm sad is also because I haven't grieved for Tequila yet. I cried for her while she was still here, knowing that "that day" was only a few days away. And after she went, all I felt was a sense of overwhelming relief. Relief that she wasn't suffering anymore, and relief that MY health wouldn't suffer anymore due to having to clean up after her constantly.. My bawl day is coming soon but the holidays are coming up, and Christmas especially is gonna be hard. So I'm trying to put off bawl day until January when all the holidays are over.
If tears could resurrect the dead, Tequila never would have died. I shed alot of tears for her before she was even gone.

I know I'll see her again, but that doesn't help me in the here and now. But I know if the veil was lifted off my eyes, I'd see her laying here on the bed with me.