Well if you are going to Heaven one day, Earth will be the closest to Hell you will ever get... and then technically you are still in Hell
*(There's much more to the following post, I left out alot, but I still apologize for the length)* While in center-city philly on Sat for Jorge's visit, I was talking to a homeless guy who was convinced he was already in hell. He admitted to being perpetually drunk, he was pretty dirty and raggedy, has nothing in his life, it was hard to argue with his point. But Jesus died for him, too, and when I tried to share the gospel and a non-alcohol beverage with him, he wanted to believe, but is convinced he knows how rotten he is, but has no ability, or even desire anymore, to change. I also know that feeling, but thank God, no where to the degree, in a physical sense, that he's experienced. But in an internal sense, pain and regret like I can't describe, a sort of hell in it's own right. I told him we're both probably a lot worse than we even think we know, though, but because of the Cross, God doesn't see our sin, but He sees Jesus, who paid for our sins, once for all forever. I couldn't do anything to alleviate his life here on earth, and only God can change his eternal one, so I felt rather helpless. All I could do was pray with him, tell him that what he's going through is not the real hell to come, that this is only temporary, that Jesus loves him right now, and just move on and go about my day engaging the 'rc faithful', and believe me, the battles were many. Another homeless guy was much more receptive, and we even shared a moment of joy, as a beautiful sister in Christ I was with led us in a prayer, and even tho this guys circumstances didn't change, he actually thanked us, said he was smiling inside, (and outside as I could see). We shared a little food and a hug and handshake, and yet I was the one that received a blessing from him! Heaven? Hell? One rc man and his sons debated me for a long time (sorry, Lord, for maybe wasting too much time), all he could say was, Peter is the rock, the eucharist IS the literal body/blood of Christ (even at the last supper, go figure THAT one) and faith without works is dead. I wonder who's hell is deeper, those two homeless guys, or the guy who's relying on doing good and ingesting wafers. Or perhaps it's my own, as I don't suffer like the homeless, but I don't really pursue the Lord and His righteousness the way some rc ppl seem to try to do with good intentions, although the teaching they receive may be skewed. I'm nobody, and I still struggle with loneliness, depression and yes, doubt of assurance at times, and I often have to pray, 'I believe, Lord, help, thou, my unbelief'. I know my redeemer lives, but I feel I have pretty much wasted my life, and I struggle to hear His voice or know His will for my life from here on out, and being alone doesn't help. Praying for ALL the body of Christ today, including those brothers and sisters that don't yet know, or have full assurance, that they are. Would greatly appreciate if someone out there prays the same for me. I think we all know hell is real to one degree or another, ... Maybe we can all help make Heaven just a little MORE real. For Jesus' sake. For each other's sake. In Jesus' name, Father help us. Amen.