Hey, guys... Guess who's back for a little while.
The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms. (Deut 33:27a)
JAU, honey, of course you feel overwhelmed! anybody would!
i'm so glad you stopped by so we know to pray for you, and we will.
i'm glad you had a safe place to unload the burden so we might help bear it in some small way.
i wish i could hug you and make you some tea... or get ice cream.
you know what always happens to me in circumstances like these?
i begin to doubt God. ('cause i'm a bit of a dope like that
but He reminds me of His promises and His faithfulness, and reassures me He loves me and will never leave me.
that's my prayer for you, dear one, that you will seek Him and hear Him tell you,
'it's okay to not hold on, precious child, my arms are right underneath you and I will always be with you'.
we love you, JAU, and please come back as often as you wish.
we accept PMs, too