Hmmmmm..... I taught myself ventriloquism years ago and did puppet shows for my kids when they were young. I am a self-taught animal trainer (whisperer? LOL). I've been writing poems, songs & short stories since I was in the 5th grade. I do bird calls. I do interpretive dancing. I'm artsy (can draw/sketch and make crafts, jewelry & clothing). I'm an excellent bread baker and good cook... I've won several recipes contests in my life.

I used to be a singer but I lost my singing voice a few years ago due to a very traumatic event.

But I pray the Lord heals that!

I love to use tools and can do remodeling, home repairs, minor plumbing, wallpapering & painting. And I can assemble
anything if it comes with a manual - I'm great with diagrams & instructions. I collect stones. And I taught myself to play the spoons the other day, thanks to Willie-T's inspirational music video.

Ya know, I was extremely down on myself the other day thinking I had no talents to speak of. But now that I typed all the above, I guess I don't feel so useless after all! YAY! Praise God! \
