Frank, how goes it with you?
kids wearing you out? 
It's going great. The prayer partners got together before church to pray.
It was one great prayer get together. We prayed for over an hour, stopped
to get some water, started back. God was moving, we felt prayers being
answered. You could feel the power of God, God blessed us beyond any
one could have asked for.
We prayed for you & yours this morning. I believe God is starting to move in your
favor. I pray for you daily, I felt that I needed some help, so I took it to the partners.
When the partners get together, watch out, God is going to move, and let us feel
what he is doing.
I pray daily for everyone on the speak thread. We have quite a few who are sick, no
rest, no sleep, and other things going on in their life. So, I ask God to take care of
wharever it is.
Ahhhh, the kids, when I thought that I could not love them anymore, they prove me
wrong. As far as wearing me out, I'm an old man, they are young and spry. They had
a great time shoppin yesterday. They did not blow any money, says alot, for kids.
They even bought gifts for mom & dad. They didn't have to, it was their on money
they were spending. They save up all year to come here, then they want their own
money. We spend money on them, but not as much as everyone thinks. If they came
up with no money, they would still get what they needed or wanted. That's what gran-
parents do. We spoil them rotten and send them home.