(à propos de something i read elsewhere lol)
also unrelated... big kerfuffle in the house over getting a puppy a few nights ago.
i love dogs, but is 'not right now' an acceptable answer?
siiii iiii iiigh lol
(à propos de something i read elsewhere lol)
also unrelated... big kerfuffle in the house over getting a puppy a few nights ago.
i love dogs, but is 'not right now' an acceptable answer?
siiii iiii iiigh lol
MOM: not right now.
ME: but i wanna puppy!! cmon moom pleezzzz
MOM: I said not right now.
Me: then when?
Mom: not right now
Me: not right now as in right this minute, or not right now as in never?
Mom: NEVER..
me: buttt moommm i wannaaaa puppyyyyyyyy
Mom to Mark: sigh..get the puppy just to shut Blue up...I'm sick of her saying "but moom i wanna"..
Mom to me: are you SURE you want a puppy?
Me: Sorry mom I changed my mind. dont wanna puppy right now..
* I'm such a brat.