It seems to me folks are searching for the absolute chaotic videos to try to prove something against Pentecostalism. This happens quite often on CC.
Another lie used is putting the Pentecostal movement(1906) and the charismatic movement(1967) together as if they are the same. THEY ARE NOT. Hillsong, Bethel, the NAR, & Vineyard are all charismatics.
Televangelists & other tv preachers say they're the same when they are not.
MacArthur, the cronies of his church & Justin Peters also put these two groups together in all of their writings & seminars. They also use televangelists for examples who are independents.
They use all the whacked out people in the charismatic movement to purposely accuse the Pentecostal movement of teaching false doctrine & living like the devil. They do that on purpose to turn others against them.
I've been a conservative Pentecostal for 45 years & have seen nothing of what the opponents claim.
Yes, the pentecostal and charismatic teachings came in different waves and there teachings are partwise different.
When the pentecostal teaching came to germany in 1907, the company signs were falling down, laughing out of controle, making voices like animals,
Signs which were we find later in the charismatic movements, too. Also is common the teaching about the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is in company with the gift of speaking in tounges as sign for it.
This is known as 2nd expierience/ for empowerment.
Some, like Oness pentecostal teach that without this baptism the believer is not saved. Others teach that an believer needs this baptism for the ministrie. So that without this baptism you lack an important part of be an follower of Christ. ( This was this was told me from different people, charismatics as well pentecostals.)
This creates in my eyes an first class and an 2nd class christianity. Nobody calls it so, but in my expieriences they treat me in this way.
Finaly the Lord will decides what is right ore not.