It is sad. However, I've found that most, not all, ministers of Gods words on the street also have a church. They take their duty to the word seriously enough to minister more than just twice a week. (Sunday, Wednesday, or Saturday, Wednesday).
While those who give the faith a bad image are like the Dove in question.Jesse. He's not just a Heretic and Blasphemer, he's well traveled in his efforts to misrepresent the words of God. As a self admitted (allegedly) former drug dealer. Which if he were actually repentant, that is under the blood of Jesus as we know.
I happen to know the person involved in the decision of this particular forum, linked as Well, one of the persons I should clarify and say. And since this can be found easily enough in any search engine, particularly the link I shared, I think it important to post here because Jesse is intent on posting more and more threads while he's allowed here.
The purpose of sharing this is to inform members here unaware of Jesse's agenda all over the Net. If we take him seriously, i.e. respond as he hopes and in any fashion, he will be inspired to continue. As you saw in the video I posted? The talking over one another chaos in that video was not unique to JM's street ministry. He just so happened to be confronted by an actual church pastor that day.
First :
This pasting is out of order from what appears at the actual site I copied it from.
"Jesse often beguiles many Christians because of his zeal and the fact that he takes a strong stand in promoting holiness and righteous living (as did Charles Finney who is one of his heroes). I applaude him on his biblical stand for repentance and holy living. However, his theology, especially soteriology are so heretical that I personally don't even consider him to be a born again believer. I know that many on this forum deny the doctrine of original sin. Perhaps it would be more understandable to think of it as each person born into this world is separated spiritually from God and lives in darkness. This is not to suggest that unsaved persons practice evil exclusively. They can do good things as well but they have no life or light in themselves and are "dead" and unless they receive new life in Jesus, are headed for destruction. I don't know why this is so hard to understand or accept. Maybe they reject the doctrine because it has been communicated as "total depravity" and because even unsaved people can exhibit morality perhaps even most of the time, people reject it. By the way, I am not a Calvinist. Jesse Morrell and Charles Finney his mentor formed their theology as a reaction against hyper-Calvinism. They went in the extreme opposite direction. Calvinism overemphasizes the sovereignty of God. Pelagianists overemphasize the ability and free will of man. Both are extremes.
Edit: I just wanted to add that I do not believe that babies or children who die without Christ are headed to hell. I believe that God recognizes that they did not have time to find life in Christ or can't fully understand the gospel fully even if they were exposed to it and therefore God does not perdition them to Hell. I do believe in the doctrine of "age of accountability" which is hinted at in the scripture but is not clearly stated. "
And this, from the same site. That should appear as the first resource for anyone here who clicks on the other post I made that shared the search engine results for
Jesse Morrell.
Jesse Morrell was banned by the moderators from this forum for legitimate reasons.
Eli Brayley used to be acquainted with Jesse Morrell, and he pleaded with him to repent of his heretical doctrines.
I encourage you to peruse Eli's website - he presents the truth of the gospel, in the light of which Jesse's doctrinal views are shown to be unbiblical:
I'll flag up Eli's testimony as well - it's incredibly powerful, and formative in shaping his understanding of Scripture. I encourage you to read them:
May we come to a fuller understanding of the grace and truth which Jesus came to give us - freely!