Calvinism is the belief that God alone determines which individuals will be saved and which will not, and these eternal choices were made before creation. Well, the logical conclusion to that belief, is that anyone God has decided is not worth the time, is destined for damnation.....the lake of fire originally created for the devil and his angels....BUT the good Calvinist would have us believe that God changed His mind and decided it would also be good to throw humans in there....the ones He has decided to overlook for whatever reason.
Those who believe this doctrine, will naturally begin to see themselves as superior because of .... well you know...the fact that they are heaven bound while most of humanity is going to roast.
When people of any group or doctrine consider themselves to be chosen by God, the natural order of thought will be that they also consider themselves superior. In fact privileged, while everyone else is marginalized. This results in aggression to those considered to be an afterthought, by God Himself if you don't mind....so why should the chosen give them the time of day. After all, it's God Himself who is sending them to hell.
I wonder how many people have been turned off believing in God when presented with such a God?
for that matter, I wonder why Calvinists even bother to post in forums....unless they are boasting of their position and wish to taunt the rest of us with their superior observations and deny anyone can choose Christ unless they are forced into following. So God trespasses against the will and forces people like some cosmic puppeter.
so then, it seems God must have forced Eve to eat whatever fruit she was not supposed to eat so let's stop blaming the snake
Those who believe this doctrine, will naturally begin to see themselves as superior because of .... well you know...the fact that they are heaven bound while most of humanity is going to roast.
When people of any group or doctrine consider themselves to be chosen by God, the natural order of thought will be that they also consider themselves superior. In fact privileged, while everyone else is marginalized. This results in aggression to those considered to be an afterthought, by God Himself if you don't mind....so why should the chosen give them the time of day. After all, it's God Himself who is sending them to hell.
I wonder how many people have been turned off believing in God when presented with such a God?
for that matter, I wonder why Calvinists even bother to post in forums....unless they are boasting of their position and wish to taunt the rest of us with their superior observations and deny anyone can choose Christ unless they are forced into following. So God trespasses against the will and forces people like some cosmic puppeter.
so then, it seems God must have forced Eve to eat whatever fruit she was not supposed to eat so let's stop blaming the snake
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