The Epistle to the Romans chapter 3:19 Now we know that whatever the law says it speaks to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be stopped, and the whole world may be held accountable to God.
Law = νόμος (nomos)
Strong: G3551
GK: G3795
a law, Rom. 4:15; 1 Tim. 1:9; the Mosaic law, Mt. 5:17, et al. freq.; the Old Testament Scripture, Jn. 10:34; a legal tie, Rom. 7:2, 3; a law, a rule, standard, Rom. 3:27; a rule of life and conduct, Gal. 6:2, Jas. 1:25
See everywhere nomos appears in the New Testament via
Jesus taught the law. He also said the Sabbath was made for man (us), not man(us) for the Sabbath. Jesus did not vacate the importance or the observance of Sabbath. There is nothing wrong with observing the Sabbath. (sundown Friday unto sundown Saturday). Jesus did so, as did the Apostles even after Jesus departed to Heaven. And the Saint Apostle Paul told us that we should let no one judge us for observing the Sabbath, among practicing other things of God. That pretty much settles it. The Sabbath still stands. The naysayers would have to explain why they rebuke Sabbath keeping while attending church on the day dedicated to the Roman's sun god Mithra and his day of worship;Sunday. (Origins derived from ancient Babylon unto the Greeks, and the Romans adopted the pantheon of the Greeks polytheism and just changed the deities names to Roman ones)
Jesus said until Heaven and Earth pass away not one jot nor tittle shall be removed from the law. He said that prior to crucifixion, and that was His fulfilling the sacrificial aspect of the law. In that sense, the law of sacrifice for transgression was fulfilled and yet, if we remember what He said about the law remaining in effect until Heaven and Earth pass away, we may wish to concede while His sacrifice was the last blood letting for sin, believing in that when a person dead in their sins repents and accepts that sacrifice as their Salvation and the sacrificed as their Savior, that the law is still whole. Because now the sacrificial system is a matter of faith and repentance and putting sins under the blood of the last pure unblemished lamb of God.
Not many here appreciate the study of scriptures or studies/articles concerning Soteriology. They prefer to hold to their own understanding or Denominational fidelity /teachings. Which is fine as it is as the Spirit leads. However, if you would like you may wish to take the time to read an article, scripture supported, that may be food for thought as pertains to Jesus and His teaching of the law. (Note: If you run into a Denomination that teaches Jesus never upheld nor taught the law of God in His ministry, I would suggest you leave once that becomes clear. That church is not in accord with scripture and that will not provide even milk to your spiritual nourishment, much less meat.)
Some who identify with the title of Christian prefer a doctrine that saves their souls, while they believe they are able to do all that they would like to do because no guidance of God applies anymore. Some charge this is the issue with OSAS (Eternal Salvation or, Once Saved Always Saved). This is not true. As we know. God tells us those who are in Christ do not make a habit of sinning. Those who do make a habit of sinning do not have Christ and do not know God. How else would that judgment of God apply if Gods laws are no longer valid?
2012 - (Jesus) The Greatest Law Preacher
2012 -Five Ways Jesus Revealed Grace = This in response to a now closed post where a new arrival attempted to say Jesus never used the word grace in His ministry. The word "Trinity" is not in scripture either, and yet countless Christians find its teaching in scripture.
I hope you or anyone else, find those links of assistance in their studies of Soteriology.
Law = νόμος (nomos)
Strong: G3551
GK: G3795
a law, Rom. 4:15; 1 Tim. 1:9; the Mosaic law, Mt. 5:17, et al. freq.; the Old Testament Scripture, Jn. 10:34; a legal tie, Rom. 7:2, 3; a law, a rule, standard, Rom. 3:27; a rule of life and conduct, Gal. 6:2, Jas. 1:25
See everywhere nomos appears in the New Testament via
Jesus taught the law. He also said the Sabbath was made for man (us), not man(us) for the Sabbath. Jesus did not vacate the importance or the observance of Sabbath. There is nothing wrong with observing the Sabbath. (sundown Friday unto sundown Saturday). Jesus did so, as did the Apostles even after Jesus departed to Heaven. And the Saint Apostle Paul told us that we should let no one judge us for observing the Sabbath, among practicing other things of God. That pretty much settles it. The Sabbath still stands. The naysayers would have to explain why they rebuke Sabbath keeping while attending church on the day dedicated to the Roman's sun god Mithra and his day of worship;Sunday. (Origins derived from ancient Babylon unto the Greeks, and the Romans adopted the pantheon of the Greeks polytheism and just changed the deities names to Roman ones)
Jesus said until Heaven and Earth pass away not one jot nor tittle shall be removed from the law. He said that prior to crucifixion, and that was His fulfilling the sacrificial aspect of the law. In that sense, the law of sacrifice for transgression was fulfilled and yet, if we remember what He said about the law remaining in effect until Heaven and Earth pass away, we may wish to concede while His sacrifice was the last blood letting for sin, believing in that when a person dead in their sins repents and accepts that sacrifice as their Salvation and the sacrificed as their Savior, that the law is still whole. Because now the sacrificial system is a matter of faith and repentance and putting sins under the blood of the last pure unblemished lamb of God.
Not many here appreciate the study of scriptures or studies/articles concerning Soteriology. They prefer to hold to their own understanding or Denominational fidelity /teachings. Which is fine as it is as the Spirit leads. However, if you would like you may wish to take the time to read an article, scripture supported, that may be food for thought as pertains to Jesus and His teaching of the law. (Note: If you run into a Denomination that teaches Jesus never upheld nor taught the law of God in His ministry, I would suggest you leave once that becomes clear. That church is not in accord with scripture and that will not provide even milk to your spiritual nourishment, much less meat.)
Some who identify with the title of Christian prefer a doctrine that saves their souls, while they believe they are able to do all that they would like to do because no guidance of God applies anymore. Some charge this is the issue with OSAS (Eternal Salvation or, Once Saved Always Saved). This is not true. As we know. God tells us those who are in Christ do not make a habit of sinning. Those who do make a habit of sinning do not have Christ and do not know God. How else would that judgment of God apply if Gods laws are no longer valid?
2012 - (Jesus) The Greatest Law Preacher
2012 -Five Ways Jesus Revealed Grace = This in response to a now closed post where a new arrival attempted to say Jesus never used the word grace in His ministry. The word "Trinity" is not in scripture either, and yet countless Christians find its teaching in scripture.
I hope you or anyone else, find those links of assistance in their studies of Soteriology.
Let's start with this, it's kind of a side note.
The Greek construction of
under the law
in Romans 3:19 is different from the construction of the same phrase everywhere in Galatians. It's an accident of translation that the same English phrase is used to translate both in the King James.
I'm not sure from the rest of your post if you are agreeing or not that the people that Paul is talking to in Galatians 4:10 and 4:21 were trying to keep the law that God gave to the Israelites in the wilderness (including the ten commandments).
Blessings to you, too!
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