Matthew 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Did any jots or tittles pass from the law? Are Jews still sacrificing animals for forgiveness of sins (atonement)?
If not, then that would definitely be some jots and tittles.
If you don't believe what the Lord Jesus has said then you are closing your eyes and your ears to the SOLUTION of the problem of mens sin.
I remember when my son was 2yrs old I would ask him if he wanted help with things. He would say "No, me do it". And then continue to struggle.
Seems to be the same situation that our Father in Heaven is in. He says "Let me help". Too many people are still saying "No, me do it".
Did any jots or tittles pass from the law? Are Jews still sacrificing animals for forgiveness of sins (atonement)?
If not, then that would definitely be some jots and tittles.
If you don't believe what the Lord Jesus has said then you are closing your eyes and your ears to the SOLUTION of the problem of mens sin.
I remember when my son was 2yrs old I would ask him if he wanted help with things. He would say "No, me do it". And then continue to struggle.
Seems to be the same situation that our Father in Heaven is in. He says "Let me help". Too many people are still saying "No, me do it".
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