virtually everything this man says is wrong.
"good teacher" -- if He is good, He is not 'rabbi' but He is God.
"what must i do to inherit?" -- inheritance is by birth, not by works. eternal life is neither by works or by heritage, but by grace through faith.
"i have kept all these from my youth" -- really? has this guy heard the sermon on the mount?
one thing he gets right, though he doesn't say it but rather implies it by what he says, is knowing that by keeping the commandments of the Law he has not done enough to merit life. he says he has kept them from his youth, but he says this in the context of asking Christ what is lacking: he knows the righteousness that is in the Law is insufficient. it is at the time that he says this, "I have kept" that the scripture says, Jesus looked on him, loving him.
did He love him because he said he had kept these commandments? or because having said this, he made clear that he understood the keeping of commandments is not the way to life?
he is asking for a commandment to do which will result in life. Jesus says he lacks one thing, and directs him to do something that is not in the Law, which goes far beyond the written commandments. effectively, He tells him, if he wants to receive life by what he does, he must surpass what is written in the Law, and follow Him. that eternal life is not found in the commandments ((in re: Galatians 3:21))
"good teacher" -- if He is good, He is not 'rabbi' but He is God.
"what must i do to inherit?" -- inheritance is by birth, not by works. eternal life is neither by works or by heritage, but by grace through faith.
"i have kept all these from my youth" -- really? has this guy heard the sermon on the mount?
one thing he gets right, though he doesn't say it but rather implies it by what he says, is knowing that by keeping the commandments of the Law he has not done enough to merit life. he says he has kept them from his youth, but he says this in the context of asking Christ what is lacking: he knows the righteousness that is in the Law is insufficient. it is at the time that he says this, "I have kept" that the scripture says, Jesus looked on him, loving him.
did He love him because he said he had kept these commandments? or because having said this, he made clear that he understood the keeping of commandments is not the way to life?
he is asking for a commandment to do which will result in life. Jesus says he lacks one thing, and directs him to do something that is not in the Law, which goes far beyond the written commandments. effectively, He tells him, if he wants to receive life by what he does, he must surpass what is written in the Law, and follow Him. that eternal life is not found in the commandments ((in re: Galatians 3:21))
I see to that the woman at the well, the Samaritan woman asks Jesus for Living Water. This is something Jesus suggests. He gives her a very different answer.
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