Per Scripture itself, the
"IT" in your sentence (
referencing that which will not over take believers "as a thief in the night"--1Th5's context)
is not "the return of Christ" (as many suppose--
or in any form one would prefer to surmise [as in your view--the 70ad events])...
... but rather, as the text itself speaks to, "the arrival of
the day of the Lord" (which is an
earthly-located TIME-PERIOD consisting, in part, of "
judgments" unfolding upon the earth [
including "the man of sin" and ALL he is slated to DO over the course of SOME TIME])...
... which time-period Paul also says in this context will arrive "exactly like [
hosper]" the
initial "birth pang [
singular]" that
comes upon a woman in labor--"
suddenly" as the text also states (
not after the "birth pang
s [
plural]" Jesus spoke of are COMPLETED--as
others like to suggest, who say this ["the DOTL"] commences at Christ's Second Coming to the earth
Additionally, the "SEQUENCE ISSUES" of the Olivet Discourse have
the 70ad events taking place "
before all these beginning of birth pangs,
just listed in vv.8-11 of Lk21--parallel Mt24:4-8 & Mk13:5-8--'the beginning of birth pangs']";
whereas Matt24 STARTS OUT
with those and then proceeds to unfold
what follows on from those "
BEGINNING of birth pangs" (i.e.
further birth pangs that follow on from the "
beginning" of them), which further events include the "AOD" in v.15 which Jesus had drawn from
Daniel 12:11 ("AOD SET UP")...
... and which passage in Daniel has Daniel (
after he will "rest" in death) being raised to "STAND IN THY LOT at the END of the DAYS" (the end of the "days" being referenced specifically in that chpt)--Daniel was not bodily resurrected at any time following the 70ad events, which is what one would have to believe (unless one completely
brushes aside all timing clues in these various texts) in order to come to the conclusion that the 70ad events were what was being [
solely] referred to (outside of 12 or so verses in Lk21--vv.12-24a,b--the only ones which
do) in His Olivet Discourse.
I myself am not willing to disregard all of the timing indicators provided meticulously in His Word. I know many have no problem with doing so (for example, the "Amill-teachings" and the "Preterist-teachings" and the "Historicist-teachings" and others...); but disregarding these very important aspects of His word sets one off on the wrong track (note: I am NOT suggesting that one's salvation is in jeopardy if they don't grasp the timing clues provided in scripture... as some want to pin on pre-tribbers as believing

= )
Just my offering...