The restoration of all things started with the advent of Jesus,continuing to the building and rapture of […]
Then Peter goes on to say that "whom heaven must receive UNTIL" (which speaks to the present time ["this present age [singular]"]--what some call the Church age [see the following scripture references]), and then speaks of "[until] the times of restoration [G605] of all things which God hath spoken of by the mouth of all His holy prophets since […]" (this is in contrast to what is later stated in Eph3:3-6,9; Col1:24-27; Eph1:20-23 "WHEN'; etc ["hidden in God"... "kept secret since" etc]), and which "G605" word ("restoration") has the following [per Bible Hub]:
[G605] "Cognate: 605 apokatástasis (from 600 /apokathístēmi, "restore") – restitution, referring to the "restoration of the physical earth in the Messianic kingdom (Millennium)" (G. Archer)." I don't really see this starting (meaning the "whom heaven must receive UNTIL") not starting BEFORE His "the Lord Himself shall descend FROM HEAVEN with a shout" at the time of our Rapture (which I believe to take place BEFORE the opening of the FIRST SEAL/INITIAL "birth PANG [singular; 1Th5:2-3; Matt24:4/Mk13:5 "G5100 - tis - 'A CERTAIN ONE'"]" [which SEAL is] at the START of the 7-yr trib