Seeing no disagreement with what I am selecting, let us move on to the next iteration. My suggested answers to the last question are these:
Between Creation and Moses the invention of writing (c. 4,000 B.C.) is worth noting since our HOB depends on written records.
Between Moses and Christ in India Hinduism developed a doctrine of karma that viewed reincarnation as part of natural reality and then Buddha/Buddhism reformed Hinduism (circa 520 B.C.), teaching that enlightenment and nirvana could be attained by means of right meditation rather than by worshipping gods, so these major religions are included.
Between Christ and Islam in Italy Romanism was instrumental in establishing Roman Catholicism (also known as “papalism”) during the reign of Emperor Constantine following the Nicene Council (325 A.D.), which evolved into a major religion rather different from primitive or New Testament Christianity.
Between Islam and Judgment our lifetime (c. 2000+ A.D.) is cited since the HOB is meaningful to We who are living in it.
I will let you mull this over before continuing with the next set of questions if there are no comments.
Between Creation and Moses the invention of writing (c. 4,000 B.C.) is worth noting since our HOB depends on written records.
Between Moses and Christ in India Hinduism developed a doctrine of karma that viewed reincarnation as part of natural reality and then Buddha/Buddhism reformed Hinduism (circa 520 B.C.), teaching that enlightenment and nirvana could be attained by means of right meditation rather than by worshipping gods, so these major religions are included.
Between Christ and Islam in Italy Romanism was instrumental in establishing Roman Catholicism (also known as “papalism”) during the reign of Emperor Constantine following the Nicene Council (325 A.D.), which evolved into a major religion rather different from primitive or New Testament Christianity.
Between Islam and Judgment our lifetime (c. 2000+ A.D.) is cited since the HOB is meaningful to We who are living in it.
I will let you mull this over before continuing with the next set of questions if there are no comments.
Okay, we are almost done with the puzzle of the HOB's border pieces with this next set of questions.
What are the most significant events related to the HOB between the previous ones?
1. Between Creation and Writing?
2. Between Hindu-Buddhism and Christ?
3. Between Roman Catholicism and Islam?
4. Between Islam and Us?
5. Between Us and Judgment?