Those who teach false doctrine are the first to strongly condemn false teachers.... Irony.
They will leave their trail of irony droppings that one must be careful to keep their own sandals off of.
Why do some feel an affinity for false teachings?
And, God does not stop them?
So, God can weed their intentions.
To be out in the open and clearly seen without denial on their part.
It makes the Evaluation of the Saints to go smoothly without any more appeals for a retrial.
The reason we see the mess we have been deployed into is because of Satan's Appeal trial that God
granted him. Granted because of the knowledge that needed to first be made known before the sentence
could not be argued any more.
That is why we are presently caught in the spiritual crossfire between the powers of darkness
and our Defense Attorney Jesus Christ.
“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first." John 15:18
Some will want to attack the teaching of the Rapture because it gives comfort to those who Jesus loves.
Satan hates Jesus, and wants to hurt Jesus by proxy by making those whom the Lord loves to be miserable.
Demons scout out among carnal believers and unbelievers those whom will feel one with their demonic
resentment of the beauty of God's plan. They will become proud agents of spreading false doctrine as to
try to hurt the Lord by proxy.
When anyone defends sound doctrinal thinking? That one will receive hatred they harbor in their hearts for the Lord.
For he became the word of God made flesh!
The more sound doctrine we have in our possession?
And is being lived out in our life?
The more their hatred for the Lord must seep out sent in our direction.....
That negative realty grants us an even greater opportunity for more understanding by grace to become more and more
transformed in our souls to manifest His thinking...
Its the plan. False doctrine is the result as an attempt to thwart the plan they can not stop.
They Hate the Lord because they know they can not win. In spite of that reality?
They will keep trying as a result of developing a form of mental illness that might be classified as spiritual psychosis.
Enjoy the ride!
