An even better understanding, IMHO, would be that time is merely a function of change, and if the Father and Son and Holy Spirit have conversations, they also experience time as statements and responses preceed and follow one another. Also that the future does not exist to be known, but specific plans and intentions one might hve for the future do exist. And that an omniscient God knows all that exists and has existed to be known, including His specific plans. And an omnipotent God is able to make any specific plans He has happen. And an omnipotent, omniscient God is able to mitigate the effects of His creatures decisions in order to keep His specific plans viable, but is able to give creatures the ability to make choices that are not just influenced by the pressure ol precedent past causes that have real existence, but are also influenced by the attraction of perceived future consequences that do not have real existence. Decisions influenced by perceptions of future consequences that do not yet have real existence cannot be completely predetermined. Therefore we have free will (free desires) and freedom to choose how to act regarding those desires, even if our options for action are limited.
I have to agree, well with the statement that time serves as a vehicle of change. Although we arrived at different conclusions understanding that time serves that functionality.
I find it shows the complete wisdom of God and how he has knowledge of every detail concerning every aspect of his creation. I don't believe God does anything as a lets see how this works out. I find he is very deliberate and purposeful so everything he does serves a intended purpose.
One way God describes time is in the aspect of change. Comparing eternal and time, he makes the statements. The same yesterday, today, and forever. I change not.
So I find that time serves as a means for repentance, for salvation. When we look at Satan, one who was created in eternity. When he fell we never read of any offer or chance of salvation. We also read from scripture that today is the day of salvation. Through scripture we come to an understanding that salvation has to happen here and now.
For if one dies in sin then they are found and judged to be a sinner to be unrighteous in eternity. Whereas if one accepts Christ here on this plane of existence. They are judged righteous because of his righteousness in eternity.
So when God created time he created a mechanism of change, the evening and the morning were the first day. Then on day four he created the watch or the time piece with the creation of the sun and moon.
So by creating time and it as a fundamental to our plane of existence he wrote in that this existence has at it's very core, that change is not only allowed, that the very laws of this reality revolve around that. So by creating time which is change. He created the very concept of change. Which is what is at the basis of repentance, being able to turn from what we are doing and go in the opposite direction. The ability to change. The ability to repent. He did so when he created time, in the beginning God........