Yes, that is true, no single denomination is 100% right in their doctrine. But non teaching seperates the believers( i do not mean the nominall christians) like the teachings from the pentecostal and charismatic movements regarding the Holy Spirit.
And the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Would they teach that speaking in tongues is to receive like all the other gifts we found, indepent from an special expierience with the Holy Spirit, ore indepent wether a believer is filled with the Holy Spirit ore not, maby I had not much a problem with it.
But after the apostolic time (where the apostles lived) we dont find this teaching till (i repeat again) 1900.
In 1900 no baptist, mennonite, calvinist, reformatic church,protestant taught this.
Today you can find it in nearly all denominations because of the charismatic movements.
For me no proof that it is right. Only a proof for me that the world is near to the end and before the time of the antichrist.
Pentecostals as well charismatics have no problem to follow the pope and his doctrine of the RCC.
For me an indication that they dont follow the truth. So then the question is which Spirit they follow.?
I know I dont will change your mind.
But till today i found nobody here on CC who could take my thoughts away, and could show me that i am wrong.
And the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Would they teach that speaking in tongues is to receive like all the other gifts we found, indepent from an special expierience with the Holy Spirit, ore indepent wether a believer is filled with the Holy Spirit ore not, maby I had not much a problem with it.
But after the apostolic time (where the apostles lived) we dont find this teaching till (i repeat again) 1900.
In 1900 no baptist, mennonite, calvinist, reformatic church,protestant taught this.
Today you can find it in nearly all denominations because of the charismatic movements.
For me no proof that it is right. Only a proof for me that the world is near to the end and before the time of the antichrist.
Pentecostals as well charismatics have no problem to follow the pope and his doctrine of the RCC.
For me an indication that they dont follow the truth. So then the question is which Spirit they follow.?
I know I dont will change your mind.
But till today i found nobody here on CC who could take my thoughts away, and could show me that i am wrong.
I come from a Pentecostal background. But for the life of me, as if I was standing before God writing this, I never ever heard this "You must speak in Tongues" to be saved concept preached or taught. I just don't know who told you this and why they would tell you this. Half of the typical Pentecostal congregations have never spoken in Tongues.
Yes, I provided scripture of what Jesus and Paul said. But it has never been a requirement for being saved that you must speak in Tongues.
What is preached that I am fully aware of concerning Tongues, is it has to be the real deal. You are so connected to God and just lose the ability to speak English even though you are still praying verbally. You won't even be aware of what you are doing, because you are focused too much on that connection you are experiencing with God. And if you ever can lose yourself in God, forgetting what is around you, don't care about who or what is around you, and you keep pursuing God, it can happen to anyone.
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