Yes, they were law keeping Jewish people. They were under the old law... correct? This was before Jesus was even born, much less crucified and raised from the dead... old law.
I believe Zachariah and Elizabeth were intimately knowledgeable of Genesis 26:5 In Genesis 26, God appears to Isaac and confides in him why Abraham’s seed was chosen to bless all the nations of the earth 5 “because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.” Now this predates the Mosaic Law for there was about 245 years between the death of Abraham and the birth of Moses. The Hebrew wording to Isaac on Abraham obeying the voice of God, and keeping God’s charge, keeping God’s commandments, keeping God’s statutes, and God’s laws, is the same Hebrew spoken to Moses from Sinai more than 400 years later.
Salvation found in the Old Testament is no different than salvation found in the New Testament. Salvation for them was by faith just like for us. An earmark of godly men is that they are lawful, not lawless. Paul teaches us we are saved through faith and not of ourselves lest any man should boast. But does that faith nullify the Law? What did he say? Romans 3:31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.
We know that Zechariah and Elizabeth were not perfect in the sense of sinless, only one holds that prestige. But they were blameless as they ‘by faith’ obeyed the Law that God provided to bring one back into fellowship with him when they sinned. He provided the sacrificial system that would cover their sins until the one Moses spoke of who would come and remove our sin as far as the east is from the west.
Also let me say one other thing that I think has been misunderstood. The ‘yoke’ spoken of that was too heavy to bear in Acts 15 even for their ancestors was the yoke of the Pharisees and their system of oral laws having no relationship to the teaching of Moses. James wasn’t speaking about God’s commandments but pointing to the exhaustive compilation of oral laws the Pharisees had added which amounted to a walk of self righteousness. Remember they were back in Jerusalem seeking a ruling because the Judaizers had spied on the fellowship both Jew and Gentile were having in Antioch under Paul and Barnabus’ teaching. The law the Judaizers were arguing was being broke, was the Pharisees law that Jews were not to fellowship with Gentiles because they would become defiled. This is not found in the teachings of Moses. It’s found in the oral laws of the Pharisees. Therefore we see in the decision of James, the elders and the Holy Spirit this notion was put to rest by instructing the gentiles turning to faith in Jesus to join their Jewish brethren weekly and in the synagogues and learn more of what Moses had to say.
The Psalmist tells us in Psalms 1 that he who meditates on the Law (Moses teachings)day and night is like a tree planted by the waters and they prosper in all they do. A man who has faith, has the spirit of obedience. “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome” (1 John 5:3).
As a Christian I see the blessing and inspiration found on both sides of a divided book.
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