Here's the problem.
Instead of being insulting to persons, you should engage them in conversation.
Instead of telling me I should read the Bible more, you should pick a scripture, post it, and base your words on that.
Why should I read the Bible more?
You only speak to biblical scholars?
The Bible I read does not guarantee your salvation.
Paul himself said he worked lest he himself might fall away and become lost.
Being such an expert I'm sure you know the verse.
Trouble is, those reading along may not...
Do you not care about them?
Are you not here to preach the word?
Do you think I'm really here to speak to YOU??

I think I can guarantee, these guys do not read the bible enough.
Let me think, 1 hour a day or 30 mins, or 10 mins, or 5 mins, or a verse?
Now I try a focus on 4 chapters. And you know what it does to me? It says
Paul loved Jesus and He was passionate how Jesus changed him, at a base
fundamental level, the power of God unto salvation.
Now this morning I was out on the streets with an american friend, witnessing.
We met a socialist, ardent in their belief society will only be changed through the
defeat of capitalism. A christian humanist, someone who believed in loving through
actions but not in Christ and salvation. And we met a woman who had be touched by
a christian camp in her youth, and how that had meant something to her, but now
she wanted something more.
What matters is Jesus moves your heart, He reaches you and dwells with you, and you
know you are loved, for as long as you dwell in His eternal heart.
Now imagine the response. You are boasting, you are parading good works. Nope, I am
saying unless God speaks to your heart, and you know Him there is just space, emptiness.
There is only abiding with Him or darkness. Find cleansing in your life and you will find
reality. Sin is ravaging peoples lives, walking within emotional constraints, not understanding
the limitations of how emotions work and how they work, either repressing them or they run
God has made us His people, victorious, overcomers, the redeemed of the Lord. So let us
walk in the Spirit, and not fall under the flesh.