The sin that condemns the (ex) believer is any sin he commits after he departs from the Lord in unbelief.
Not doubt, but unbelief.
Because they don't believe anymore they no longer have God's forgiveness through faith in Christ.
You don't get to have what faith in Christ secures if you don't have faith in Christ anymore.
That person is now an unbeliever.
Unbelievers do not inherit the kingdom of God.
The sin that condemns the (ex) believer is any sin he commits after he departs from the Lord in unbelief.
Not doubt, but unbelief.
Because they don't believe anymore they no longer have God's forgiveness through faith in Christ.
You don't get to have what faith in Christ secures if you don't have faith in Christ anymore.
That person is now an unbeliever.
Unbelievers do not inherit the kingdom of God.
Timothy 2:13 When we are faithless , he remains faithful , for he cannot disown himself
God does not un-justify, un-regenerate, un-sanctify, un-redeem anyone....... all this is a figment of your imaginations
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