My changed life is the assurance that I have the Holy Spirit in me through faith in Christ. The assurance that you have believed unto salvation is your changed life. This is plainly taught in the Bible. Osas says how you live your life means nothing towards showing if you are saved or not.
And, yes, every humble believer should realize they stand by faith, and if they stop having faith in Christ they, too, will be cut out of the tree, just as the Israelites were for their unbelief. This is plainly explained in Hebrews 11. The arrogance of the osas movement is completely contrary to Paul's warning to the church to humbly and fearfully continue in the kindness of God, or be cut out of the tree like the unbelieving Jews.
And, yes, every humble believer should realize they stand by faith, and if they stop having faith in Christ they, too, will be cut out of the tree, just as the Israelites were for their unbelief. This is plainly explained in Hebrews 11. The arrogance of the osas movement is completely contrary to Paul's warning to the church to humbly and fearfully continue in the kindness of God, or be cut out of the tree like the unbelieving Jews.
These believers had their faith overthrown by false teachers, yet because their foundation was secure, the Lord knows who are His even when we go astray. That word “nevertheless” is powerful.
2 Timothy 2
18 Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.
19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.