Wow! That's quite a
It's not a game and postings (time and date of each post) are listed in everyone's profile. Not hard to figure out.
Your anger and bitterness is becoming more and more obvious. You sound like you are having a meltdown.
You consistently paint believers in the OSAS camp with a broad brush of either being babes in Christ or not believers at all. Have you ever met a OSAS believer that you considered to be grown up and knowledgeable and wise by your standards? You seem to believe that ONLY those in the NOSAS camp are capable of being grown up and knowledgeable and wise.
From my experience, many people in the NOSAS camp are quick to judge OSAS believers as promoting a license to sin and seem to view themselves as "holier than thou." Also, 'ALL' false religions and cults (who teach salvation by works) strongly oppose OSAS, which has always been a
red flag for me! I grew up in the Roman Catholic church and for years listened to Catholic priests constantly attack OSAS and make fun of Protestants and accuse them of lacking in knowledge, yet these Catholic priests were clueless to the fact they were promoting a false gospel of works salvation. So pardon me if I don't seriously consider any form of rebuke from someone in the NOSAS camp.
If I was NOSAS then you would most likely consider me to be a real brother. It amazes me to see over the years on various Christian forums how people in the NOSAS camp are quick to join hands and sing 'kumbaya' together in unity over NOSAS, even if certain members in the group that they are holding hands with attend a false religion or cult and teach a false gospel.
Either we are born of BOTH water AND Spirit or else we are not. Believers do not merely have one or the other. Where do you come up with this stuff?
I used to consider you to be more patient and sincere, but now your angry, bitter true colors are really showing and it's disturbing! What happened to you?
You need to take a long hard look in the mirror.
Bad people most of the time? Hate and murder over doctrines? You are over the top!
Apparently to you the Christian life seems to be all about NOSAS and attacking people in the OSAS camp. Losing salvation is mainly all you talk about.
Where does that leave most NOSAS people? It doesn't concern you in the least that ALL false religions and cults promote NOSAS?
You seem to only consider those in the NOSAS camp as most likely being real brothers and sisters in Christ and EVERYONE in the OSAS camp in your eyes as being either babes in Christ or not saved at all. Your NOSAS bias is making your decisions for you.
We are either born of water AND the Spirit or else we are not. It's not just one or the other. You talk about pride and arrogance characterizing OSAS believers, yet just listen to yourself!