I am familiar with hearing the phrase Once Saved Always Saved from a church I went to before. In one particular church( it could have been the same one, but I don't know for sure) I often heard the question raised , " if you died tonight are you sure you would go to heaven?"
When I read the phrase Once Saved Always Saved, the way I interpret is if someone is saved, that one is always saved. But if someone doesn't know what it means to be saved, then it ought to be explained. It may be a good conversation starter into explaining the gospel to bring up OSAS and ask if one knows what it means to be saved.
I like the phrase eternal sercurity. The word eternal being lasting forever and security a rather comforting word and something I often sought after. Security has for me the sense of comfort, peace, rest. I can rest in Him and am secure in Jesus. Pictures I get with security is that of being held, embraced, of a Shepherd holding a lamb close to his heart( see Isaiah 40:11).