Then why do you continue to ignore the bad behavior and criticize those who point it out for what it is?
We're to do that, as God tells us to do.
And look, truly, I've lived long enough to know that no adult comports themselves in the manner the most aggregious display. Posting style being what it is, we can presume the behavior is that of kids either skipping school, having dropped out, or are linking in on their computer when they're in school. Because those same offenders are rarely as active on weekends. And yet while school is in session there they are. And no, it doesn't line up with a work schedule because in today's world, especially America, many companies monitor employees on-line activity if their computers can access the full Net at all.
Therefore, they are forgiven, and have been every time they've taken a shot at me.
My posts point out the ridiculous repeated bad behavior of those offenders when they think they're covering what they don't have to share , and don't know as pertains to scripture, with vulgar remarks and personal attacks. And the absurd, "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" That's not an adult! Picture the behaviors in the off-line world and that member speaking that way to someone face to face. Not likely to happen. Lord knows, at least I'd hope not.
My dear lady, you misspeak the truth of the matter as anyone on the receiving end of the truth of what I described will attest. It isn't a judgment, it is an observation. The judgment you refer to is found in the scripture I posted.
Why do you defend or turn a blind eye to the offenders? And choose to jump on those they think to take great joy in offending?
You're not blind. You seem intelligent. Why do you miss the log in their eye so as to put the log in mine?
And certainly, I don't have to point it out any further. The evidence will show itself soon enough.