We all fail God every single day , in thought or deed , why do you think He gives us grace and mercy new every morning?
Great is His faithfulness...
We have a High priest who stands before God , an advocate who keeps us righteous because we are hidden in Him , God knows we are but dust , He knows we fail Him , Luke 6:20 Bless are those who are poor in spirit , those of us who stand before God know we have nothing to give , we know we are bankrupt , we can bring nothing before God , only our wretched selves ...
Gods beautiful grace is enough for us , we are in Christ , Christ is in heaven , we are written on the psalm of His hands , we are not forsaken , we are His and He is ours , and anyone who can not grasp these truths needs to come before the LORD and be like the tax collector who beat his chest...
You people who believe we can lose our Salvation is putting your own mistrust on others , and we believe all the words of our LORD put our trust in Him daily , all the glory to God Amen...\
Great is His faithfulness...
We have a High priest who stands before God , an advocate who keeps us righteous because we are hidden in Him , God knows we are but dust , He knows we fail Him , Luke 6:20 Bless are those who are poor in spirit , those of us who stand before God know we have nothing to give , we know we are bankrupt , we can bring nothing before God , only our wretched selves ...
Gods beautiful grace is enough for us , we are in Christ , Christ is in heaven , we are written on the psalm of His hands , we are not forsaken , we are His and He is ours , and anyone who can not grasp these truths needs to come before the LORD and be like the tax collector who beat his chest...
You people who believe we can lose our Salvation is putting your own mistrust on others , and we believe all the words of our LORD put our trust in Him daily , all the glory to God Amen...\