We had correspondence with each other five years ago former volunteer chaplain orville.
You wrote this...
"Good to meet you Vince, I helped disciple a Construction Worker who was building High Desert State Prison and was a brand new born again believer, going to Ft. Dick Bible Church with me; AND HIS NAME WAS VINCE TOO! My Name is Orville N....., and the VCO stands for Volunteer Chaplain Orville. My move to California was not as big of a change in jobs as you think. I was working in the Post Office in Nebraska for many Years on the night shift as a Clerk, sorting mail. Two months before we moved, I got promoted to the best job I ever had in the Post Office: Vehicle Operations Maintenance Assistant, Day Shift with Weekends off. It was not heavy mechanic work, but just minor stuff like changing burned out turning signal bulbs, and shuttling the vehicles that needed serious repair to the Local Garage that had the contract to repair our vehicles. I transferred to Susanville, California as a City Letter Carrier. When you transfer in the Post Office, you LOSE ALL YOUR SENIORITY, and go back to being Low Man on the Totem Pole. I had put in for the transfer, six months earlier, even tho the Postmaster told me he would not have an opening for five years. When that call came that night, offering me the job, because one guy quit and another got fired, I stopped for about 5 seconds and asked myself, "Does God still want me in California?"; and the answer came back loud and clear, YES.
On that vacation when I had put in for that transfer to Susanville, we also went to Church at Grace Community Church near L.A. where Dr. John MacArthur is the Senior Pastor. From there we went through Kingman, AZ. and I decided to talk to that Postmaster too, and HE NEEDED TO HIRE A CITY CARRIER YESTERDAY, and wanted me as fast as I could get moved. I told him to Start the Paperwork, and we went to a local Motel. That NIGHT I did not sleep one wink, and I was in torment the the entire night, with a feeling that I had just done something horribly wrong. I woke my wife and told her, you have to pray with me, about this job. We prayed for about a half hour, and she still went back to bed. I continued to be in torment, with that feeling that I had done something horribly wrong. I normally sleep like a rock, as soon as my head hits the pillow, and here I was pacing the floor, praying, laying on the bed starring at the ceiling, with my mind in agony. I woke my wife again, and told her she had to pray with me again, and she said, "No I don't, you have to pray by yourself and talk to GOD." About 5:30 AM the answer came to my mind. I needed to turn down this job in Kingman, AZ. and wait for an opening in Susanville, Ca. STILL that heavy weight on me, like I had done something horribly wrong, would not go away. It was not until 8:00 AM when I went back to that Postmaster and told him to his face that I had prayed about it, and GOD let me know that I had to wait for an opening in Susanville, Ca. AND AS SOON AS I TOLD HIM, that horrible guilt feeling and all of it's weight, lifted right off.
A few days later it hit me, what had actually happened. Do you remember reading when Paul was on his Second Missionary trip, and wanted to go to Asia, but the Holy Spirit prevented him from going there.
Acts 16:6-10 (HCSB)
6 They went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia
and were prevented by the Holy Spirit from speaking the message in Asia.
7 When they came to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia,
but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them.
8 So, bypassing Mysia,
they came down to Troas.
During the night a vision appeared to Paul: A Macedonian man was standing and pleading with him, “
Cross over to Macedonia and help us!”
10After he had seen the vision, we immediately made efforts to set out for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to evangelize them.
Like I said IT HIT ME, the HOLY SPIRIT PREVENTED PAUL from going to the wrong towns, and I had just gotten a big taste of how the Holy Spirit did it.
There is lots more that I can share with you, and will in the future if you want. I do not think we had more miracles happen in our lives than any other born again Christian, but by His grace, we both were made more keenly aware of what was the hand of GOD working in our lives than many.
One more quick true story. When I accepted the transfer to the Post Office in Crescent City on the Coast, 17 miles South of Oregon, I went directly to the Realtor's Office from the Postmaster's Office to look for a rental. The Realtor, told us there were NO rentals available at all, because all of the Construction Workers building the new Prison had grabbed them all up. That was
1:00 PM as we walked out of the Realtor's Office, so we decided to just drive around town looking for FOR RENT signs that were not advertised in the Paper or through the Realtors. Finally as I was going north out of town on the old highway, I did a U-Turn to go back downtown to look down another street, and spotted the orange letters FOR RENT on a black sign in the window of a Trailor House across the street. We went and talked to the Park Manager, and she said, "I am surprised that someone is here to look at this Rental already, I just put the sign up
35 minutes ago." I looked at may watch and sure enough it was
1:35 PM on the button. I smiled at her, as I thought to myself, "GOD PROVIDED!"
I wrote this back...
"Wow, brother, that is really awesome testimony,....... I'm glad you have the courage to share the vision you had that night. There are many similarities in our shared experience of being anointed with the Holy Spirit. Knowing for certain (not just a thought) that we were forgiven of our sins through the precious blood of Jesus Christ our Savior when the day dawned and the day star arose in our hearts, you had a vision of the warm blood dripping on your arms and i woke up dancing not remembering what dream i had or vision but knew my sins were forgiven and it was because of the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Same call to scripture for spiritual growth, and instruction after being anointed. We moved from Ca to Ar to Ohio, same thing, with no money in our pockets me driven by the Spirit to "GET OUT OF HERE (in Ca) AND GO". i never would of brought myself here to Ohio (or AR) without the Spirit driving me as those places were probably last on my list. My family going back for generations had lived here in Ohio and most have moved out long ago to warmer and more prosperous places. Some to Ca some to FL, some to N.C.
7 years in the furnace of affliction was my season brother, oh what suffering, i weep as i type here....... i suffered the loss of our dogs, our children to us at that time both died in front of me, my mom killed herself 4 days before her 59th birthday, and many other things i suffered until the season was gone. Almost 7 years to the day that i was anointed with the Holy Spirit my wife who i had been together with for 23 years finally got pregnant after all those years of trying to be parents and 9 1/2 months later God brought us a son to take away our shame. 1 week before his 1st birthday my wife found out that she is pregnant again. So i can see God has brought me into the land of my dad's to bless me and many of the troubles i had then seem to be long gone while God continues to strengthen me from that hard season and bless me in every way.
It was interesting as well that you mentioned that you changed occupations. As a tradesman of 13 years, it seems since i got anointed i can't find a way to fit in with the life i once knew. Having no hatred to hold in my heart,no lust, no lie to come up with, no want of filthy lucre,it feels like i'm just out there to get used and abused by co-workers and customers alike.......lol. i often wonder if God is calling me to some other vocation like He did with you, maybe that's why he brought me here. You have given me some things to think and pray upon for sure, thank you brother

We corresponded with each other here at CC for about a month, by exchanging messages back and forth from early December 2014- until mid January 2015. That's how I know you volunteer chaplain orville, did you forget?
I have a link to this site on my Menu Bar, and sometimes I forget to change it to the newest post.
Okay, so why don't you reply to posts 2 years old or older more frequently if that's the case?
Have you read this verse:
1 Timothy 5:1 (NIV)
1 Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers,
I have read that verse, and where exactly did you find me harshly rebuking you volunteer chaplain orville?
Have you read these verses?
2 Timothy 4:1-5
I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom:
2preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.
3For the time is coming when people will not endure sound
a teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,
4and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
5As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.