Amen! No matter how many times "Oh so are you perfect, do you keep the law 100%?" and no matter how many times Ephesians 2:8-9 is quoted it does not nullify the clear conditions laid out in the Scriptures by the Lord Jesus for salvation. This being one of them, just like the Apostle Paul said IF ye hold fast till the end, again a condition. It does not matter at all if you say true believers are the ones who forgive, or if you say you have to forgive, that is completely meaningless, what matters is that we forgive our enemies or else we are on the path to damnation and our claimed profession of belief is in vain. Words mean very little if they are not backed up by action. "Change of mind" as repentance is defined is meaningless if its not evident in our actions, that is why the Bible tells us to bring forth fruits of repentance.
We are facing a last times apostasy in which people are allowed into the kingdom in their carnal state, still addicted to their sins, still worldly, this is the strong deception that started in the 19th century and has continued on till this day. All we can do is preach the words of Jesus, if they do not convince people then just like the rich man "If they do not hear Moses and the prophets" we did all we could. Many will come to Jesus saying we did these great works but it will all be in vain because they were still workers of iniquity, never facing godly sorrow and turning from their sins, which is why Jesus tells them go away from me you who work iniquity (Iniquity meaning sin, evil, for international readers) i never knew you