Good morning world!
Here are some random thoughts: I believe the devil works through DOUBT. "is this really from God?" "am i really saved?" -> One step from this is "Oh well i already lost my salvation and blasphemed the Holy Spirit i cant get it back, i will just give up"
^Thats what the devil wants
If thats you, be encouraged that Jesus wont forsake you and as long as there is breath in your lungs, there is hope.
Cast off all doubt!
Here are some random thoughts: I believe the devil works through DOUBT. "is this really from God?" "am i really saved?" -> One step from this is "Oh well i already lost my salvation and blasphemed the Holy Spirit i cant get it back, i will just give up"
^Thats what the devil wants
If thats you, be encouraged that Jesus wont forsake you and as long as there is breath in your lungs, there is hope.
Cast off all doubt!
The Bible mentions The Book of Life 4 times in Scripture. Three of the four deals with God blotting your name out of the book that should be enough to concern us all
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