Fran, once again you misunderstand me. I've never said that we can just sit back and let God do it all for us.

Obviously we have to be proactive and do our part. I believe that we DO need to do works because it is required of us, to show love for God and others.
You say works don't save us. I agree. They don't. So HOW can they KEEP us saved if they DON'T save us to begin with?
The dinner you make for your neighbor won't keep you saved. The lawn you mow for a disabled person won't keep you saved. These things are good works, but they are NOT to be done in order to keep salvation. You're trusting in the works you do, to keep you saved. The ONLY thing that keeps you saved, is JESUS, and your faith and belief in Him.
Nowhere in the bible does God say, "your works have saved you".. He says, "Your FAITH has saved you".

So WHY don't you have faith that your salvation is assured, but by JESUS and NOT works?