Not By Works

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Nov 22, 2015
Yes...feed the MILK of the word and as they grow you increase their diet to include the hotdogs, Vienna sausages and finally when they can chew real MEAT....a nice big fat T-bone off of the grill of truth......
In order to grow up in the Lord - they need to eat the truth of the "word of righteousness". There is a new thread on this subject.

Those that are trying to create and maintain their own D.I.Y self-righteousness/holiness are not going to be happy with that thread.
Dec 12, 2013
In order to grow up in the Lord - they need to eat the truth of the "word of righteousness". There is a new thread on this subject.

Those that are trying to create and maintain their own D.I.Y self-righteousness/holiness are not going to be happy with that thread.

Ye indeed...Scriptures such as the you up literally means to construct...Just as a carpenter would build a house....the word of God and a steady diet leads to maturity....

New American Standard Bible
"And now I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.

King James Bible
And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.


Senior Member
Jul 2, 2011
Eph 2:1 And you did he make alive, when ye were dead through your trespasses and sins,
Eph 2:2 wherein ye once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the powers of the air, of the spirit that now worketh in the sons of disobedience;
Eph 2:3 among whom we also all once lived in the lust of our flesh, doing the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest: -
Eph 2:4 but God, being rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
Eph 2:5 even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace have ye been saved),
Eph 2:6 and raised us up with him, and made us to sit with him in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus:
Eph 2:7 that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus:
Eph 2:8 for by grace have ye been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;
Eph 2:9 not of works, that no man should glory.
Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God afore prepared that we should walk in them.
Eph 2:11 Wherefore remember, that once ye, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called Circumcision, in the flesh, made by hands;
Eph 2:12 that ye were at that time separate from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of the promise, having no hope and without God in the world.
Eph 2:13 But now in Christ Jesus ye that once were far off are made nigh in the blood of Christ.
Eph 2:14 For he is our peace, who made both one, and brake down the middle wall of partition,
Eph 2:15 having abolished in the flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; that he might create in himself of the two one new man, so making peace;
Eph 2:16 and might reconcile them both in one body unto God through the cross, having slain the enmity thereby:
Eph 2:17 and he came and preached peace to you that were far off, and peace to them that were nigh:
Eph 2:18 for through him we both have our access in one Spirit unto the Father.
Eph 2:19 So then ye are no more strangers and sojourners, but ye are fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God,
Eph 2:20 being built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the chief corner stone;
Eph 2:21 in whom each several building, fitly framed together, groweth into a holy temple in the Lord;
Eph 2:22 in whom ye also are builded together for a habitation of God in the Spirit.

Notice all here, for all of it is worthy, paying special attention to our having been children of disobedience, and hwo we are converted from doing works in the darkeness to good works. We are saved by grace, yet we are converted to good workdsw.


Senior Member
Jul 2, 2011
1Pe 1:13 Wherefore girding up the loins of your mind, be sober and set your hope perfectly on the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;
1Pe 1:14 as children of obedience, not fashioning yourselves according to your former lusts in the time of your ignorance:

If you do not yet know exactly what obedience is, learn from Jesus Christ, all of His Gospel, not just a sentence here and there. He consisitently teaches obedience. If you say you love as God loves and you cover all of your sins such, be careful not to teach others not to obey Jesus christ entirely with the excuse that our love is comperable to that whci we receive. We will only beperfect on the Day of the Lord when He, not we, completes that work which He began in each of us.


Eph 2:1 And you did he make alive, when ye were dead through your trespasses and sins,
Eph 2:2 wherein ye once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the powers of the air, of the spirit that now worketh in the sons of disobedience;
Eph 2:3 among whom we also all once lived in the lust of our flesh, doing the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest: -
Eph 2:4 but God, being rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
Eph 2:5 even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace have ye been saved),
Eph 2:6 and raised us up with him, and made us to sit with him in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus:
Eph 2:7 that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus:
Eph 2:8 for by grace have ye been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;
Eph 2:9 not of works, that no man should glory.
Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God afore prepared that we should walk in them.
Eph 2:11 Wherefore remember, that once ye, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called Circumcision, in the flesh, made by hands;
Eph 2:12 that ye were at that time separate from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of the promise, having no hope and without God in the world.
Eph 2:13 But now in Christ Jesus ye that once were far off are made nigh in the blood of Christ.
Eph 2:14 For he is our peace, who made both one, and brake down the middle wall of partition,
Eph 2:15 having abolished in the flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; that he might create in himself of the two one new man, so making peace;
Eph 2:16 and might reconcile them both in one body unto God through the cross, having slain the enmity thereby:
Eph 2:17 and he came and preached peace to you that were far off, and peace to them that were nigh:
Eph 2:18 for through him we both have our access in one Spirit unto the Father.
Eph 2:19 So then ye are no more strangers and sojourners, but ye are fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God,
Eph 2:20 being built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the chief corner stone;
Eph 2:21 in whom each several building, fitly framed together, groweth into a holy temple in the Lord;
Eph 2:22 in whom ye also are builded together for a habitation of God in the Spirit.

Notice all here, for all of it is worthy, paying special attention to our having been children of disobedience, and hwo we are converted from doing works in the darkeness to good works. We are saved by grace, yet we are converted to good workdsw.
Hebrews 13:20-21

Now may the God of peace—
who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus,
the great Shepherd of the sheep,
and ratified an eternal covenant with His blood—
may He equip you with all you need
for doing His will.
May He produce in you,
through the power of Jesus Christ,
every good thing that is pleasing to Him.
All glory to Him forever and ever! Amen

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Nov 22, 2015
Being "obedient to the faith" is believing in Christ and His work for us for life and living.

Notice here that even the law-keeping priests need to be "obedient to the faith". The keeping of the law of Moses is NOT the same as being "obedient to the faith".

Acts 6:7 (NASB)
[SUP]7 [/SUP] The word of God kept on spreading; and the number of the disciples continued to increase greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests were becoming obedient to the faith.

Pagans/Gentiles also need to be
"obedient to the faith" and believe in Christ and what He has done for life and living.

Romans 1:5 (NASB)
[SUP]5 [/SUP] through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about
the obedience of faith among all the Gentiles for His name's sake,

All people of all types are called to be "
obedient to the faith" - which is belief in Christ alone for life and living.

Romans 16:26 (NASB)
[SUP]26 [/SUP] but now is manifested, and by the Scriptures of the prophets, according to the commandment of the eternal God, has been made known to all the nations,
leading to obedience of faith;

As we abide in Christ's finished work on the cross and resurrection - His life in us will manifest in good deeds and walking in His love that is poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit. He will bear His fruit in and through us. He is the "obedient One".

Paul said that we are to take all thoughts captive to the "obedience of Christ" - what Christ has done. His life in us then can manifest in and through us.

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Dec 12, 2013
1Pe 1:13 Wherefore girding up the loins of your mind, be sober and set your hope perfectly on the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;
1Pe 1:14 as children of obedience, not fashioning yourselves according to your former lusts in the time of your ignorance:

If you do not yet know exactly what obedience is, learn from Jesus Christ, all of His Gospel, not just a sentence here and there. He consisitently teaches obedience. If you say you love as God loves and you cover all of your sins such, be careful not to teach others not to obey Jesus christ entirely with the excuse that our love is comperable to that whci we receive. We will only beperfect on the Day of the Lord when He, not we, completes that work which He began in each of us.
One of these days you will figure out that the salvation afforded to man is a once for all act of faith and the works that follow are a result of said faith...they do not embellish, add to or facilitate salvation....NO ONE is advocating disobedience to the word or a lack of service that results in fruit.....the blending of FAITH and WORKS FOR SALVATION is a gospel which has no power to save.....EVER!


Senior Member
Jul 2, 2011
Any who are obeient to the faith will be obedietnt to Jesus Christ. As Peter states, teaches, we were one time children of disobedience. Disobedience is of the darkness and the evil one.


Any who are obeient to the faith will be obedietnt to Jesus Christ. As Peter states, teaches, we were one time children of disobedience. Disobedience is of the darkness and the evil one.
Those who are living by faith in Jesus Christ are being obedient. We are the only ones who are.
Dec 12, 2013
Any who are obeient to the faith will be obedietnt to Jesus Christ. As Peter states, teaches, we were one time children of disobedience. Disobedience is of the darkness and the evil one.
Sure..........does not change the fact that biblical salvation is based upon faith void of works.....!


Sure..........does not change the fact that biblical salvation is based upon faith void of works.....!
Abraham believed God, and it was credited to his account righteousness.

It does not at Abraham believed and then went out and did all these works. And then he was made righteous. It says he trusted God, and he was made righteous.

After this fact. Abraham did some mighty works. He also had some prey hideous sin. Just like David did after God called david a man after his heart..

As do we ALL who have true faith in Christ.


Senior Member
Jul 2, 2011
Your response implies I do not believe what you have stated. Do you realize just how wrong you are?

Sure..........does not change the fact that biblical salvation is based upon faith void of works.....!
Dec 12, 2013
Your response implies I do not believe what you have stated. Do you realize just how wrong you are?

My statement implied that I agree with what you said and also that I fully understand that salvation is based upon faith void of works....nothing more nothing less......!
Dec 12, 2013
Abraham believed God, and it was credited to his account righteousness.

It does not at Abraham believed and then went out and did all these works. And then he was made righteous. It says he trusted God, and he was made righteous.

After this fact. Abraham did some mighty works. He also had some prey hideous sin. Just like David did after God called david a man after his heart..

As do we ALL who have true faith in Christ.
Amen to that...Paul's inspired conclusion.....a man who pens almost half of the New Testament concluded that a man is justified before God by faith void of works......legally rendered innocent.....although we know the "workers for" like to twist James so far out of context that Aunt Annie's Pretzel Shop desires to patent it as a new version of their pretzel......


Senior Member
Jul 2, 2011
It did sound off to me, forgive that.............

My statement implied that I agree with what you said and also that I fully understand that salvation is based upon faith void of works....nothing more nothing less......!


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2012
..a man who pens almost half of the New Testament concluded that a man is justified before God by faith void of works......
While a man is justified by faith, which is to say a man is justified by the substance of their hope, it is by the truth of that hope is a man sanctified. This is evident in the passage of 1 Peter 1:2'

Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.

So how does one draw the conclusion that sanctification of the Spirit refers to truth, well there are a number of scriptures which refer unto the Spirit of truth so it would therefore seem foolish to think that the Spirit would sanctified what one believes without regard to its truth. As far as twisting James so far out of context, I take it you are referring unto James 2:19-20;

19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

While one can believe that simply by believing they can conclude what another person concludes, but as far as Paul's conclusion it would seem faith without works would have been the farthest thing from his mind considering what he wrote in 2 Cor 5:9-10

Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.
10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

P.S. how bout the new orb? LOL

Dec 12, 2013
While a man is justified by faith, which is to say a man is justified by the substance of their hope, it is by the truth of that hope is a man sanctified. This is evident in the passage of 1 Peter 1:2'

Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.

So how does one draw the conclusion that sanctification of the Spirit refers to truth, well there are a number of scriptures which refer unto the Spirit of truth so it would therefore seem foolish to think that the Spirit would sanctified what one believes without regard to its truth. As far as twisting James so far out of context, I take it you are referring unto James 2:19-20;

19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

While one can believe that simply by believing they can conclude what another person concludes, but as far as Paul's conclusion it would seem faith without works would have been the farthest thing from his mind considering what he wrote in 2 Cor 5:9-10

Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.
10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.

P.S. how bout the new orb? LOL

Love the saves....end of that saves will produce fruit....after a growth process....just like an apple tree is an apple tree from the moment it sprouts.....yet takes several years of growth to produce it's first piece of fruit.....notwithstanding BY SPROUTING (being born) it is an apple tree from that moment forward...........
Nov 22, 2015
Those who are living by faith in Jesus Christ are being obedient. We are the only ones who are.
Amen....Well said...that is the irony of it all. Those that have total faith in Christ's finished work are the very ones being obedient to the faith to believe in Christ.


Amen....Well said...that is the irony of it all. Those that have total faith in Christ's finished work are the very ones being obedient to the faith to believe in Christ.
Yep. It's so simple and yet so complicated for so many....

"For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”” Rom. 1:17

"For we live by faith, not by sight.” 2 Cor. 5:7

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Gal. 2:20