Your belief has been challenged yet you stick with them.
The major difference is the role of future sin, repentance, confession and forgiveness.
Now I see no challenge to this.
My core point is simple. Are we called to get a pass ticket to heaven or
to become like Christ?
If one gives up on a walk like Christ, the only option is to be seen as like Christ yet not.
The theology seems to all flow from this question.
Now Ariel from her statements of faith seems to hold to what I believe except she holds
a definitive security of salvation, I am ambivalent. If you can choose to follow you can
choose not to.
I have serious problem with any faith or religion or person who ignores morality, down plays
it. A world in anarchy is a world of death. Lawlessness is the mark of the enemy, and the
enemy of my family, my society and my life and faith. So I have to draw the line here and
ask why do those who condemn traditional christian faith do not hold to morality?
Why is repentance corrupted and trampled on, the cornerstone of the gospel and our failure
before God?
I have a problem with blind legalism, but I have no problem with love and Gods law, the outflow
of love and justice. Again the same group attacked even reading the law of God, of seeing the
sermon on the mount as condemnation, a curse rather than a blessing. My heart did not echo
with theirs at all.
It appears this group is far larger and more profound than I or anyone first realised.
So I want to appeal to you, about who Christ is and His good news. It is we can walk in Gods
will, in love and know we are loved and love others in His ways. No greater thing in the universe
than God should call us His friends. Do you not hear Jesus talking.
"You are my friends if you do what I command."
"Love one another as I have loved you"
Wow. Impossible things, things not of this world, things we find hard to love our own
family, but strangers who are merely fellow believers? Surely, impossible.
Be of one mind and heart, you kidding, that hill billy is not my friend, stranger but the
same faith, and God but do not expect me to like him.
So a mystery how Jesus's commands are so far from real experience.
Or a while guy loving a black brother? The kinds should be kept apart.
Yea that really is biblical. People talk about Christ very quickly but do not really listen.