Acts 3:16, another "3:16" to remember.
It shows, for those who care, that faith comes from (dia, διά) Christ, not self. It is easy to derive from this it is his faith as well. He had faith in his Father, in his humanity while here on earth so it is not incorrect to say it is his faith, imho.
We all have
obtained faith, it is
not inherent;
2 Peter 2:1; Ephesians 1:19. People who are saying faith isn't a gift from God, while preaching at the same time it is of and from Christ?
Well, just think about that for a minute.
If ("
since" really) it came
from Christ, it didn't come
from you, and thus it is a gift of God granted us;
Philippians 1:29.
Not sure why so many fight against this truth, then preach all of salvation is from God,
"...except for that part, I did that, and, oh yeah, I did that part too." lolzzzz...