This is what I've noticed about how indoctrinations work: Not only do they put blinders on a person so they can only see what they've been taught, they also keep a person from properly understanding the argument they are opposed to. It's interesting after all this time you still do not grasp the argument you are resisting.
Brother, this is not a world of ideas, but the world of the heart and seeing purity within.
The reasons why we argue and reach out to others varies so much. I used to argue and
discover because discovery was what I wanted, maybe because I thought and felt through
knowledge I had security. There is truth here but also a danger. The danger of self deception,
of being caught in the prison of self justification and pride of attainment.
When I first became a believer beginning again was a difficult step. To know I was starting
again, for whatever reason I did not like inside. That others would be better than me, or able
to see things I cannot. Knowledge and outlooks can become prisons as much as anything in
life. If as a child, just enjoying time and space, is not possible, then I have missed something.
Jesus cried for Lazarus, because He loved His friends and felt their grief, even though He knew
what would be, He was with them as a brother. Do these believers feel with us, or have sympathy
with our expression of praise and worship to our King?
No. Rather I am mocked and told I appear christian but am not. This speaks about the heart and
where security in resting. Ideas come and go, but the revelation of Christ to our hearts is an eternal
realisation from the King. It changes us. But as we can see, many have closed hearts, and deal
with questions as if verses define truth, rather than show truth that shall come to live in our hearts.
Talking about who we are is dangerous as a friend pointed out who I was talking to on Saturday.
Each day we wake to a new day with how we feel about where we are.
It is hard to take what Paul says into true perspective
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
Phil 4:4
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thess 5:16-18
Until people begin to transform their internal view of life, gifts, direction,
success, failure, these are mere unobtainable dreams.
Paul expects this to be our daily experience, no joking.
You would not think this from a lot of sharing that goes on.
But to ask why is there a gap between peoples experience and Pauls language,
silence. Leave it to God to sort out. This is true, but God calls us to listen,
learn and obey.