Yes, yes, yes I am so grateful for any insight the Lord has given me. The spiritual world the Lord lives in has so many mysteries that our mortal mind simply cannot comprehend.
If I may get personal on a public site, I have been told by doctors that I'll be leaving here within six months. I feel fine, even if my throat makes it hard to eat. I've been given such an exciting, fun life that I even was able to spend seven years on the ocean as a commercial fisherwoman. I've lived here 96 1/2 years, nearly a hundred.
I wish the Lord would let me tell you all about what the trip I am about to take if the doctors are right is like. We are told there are mansions. I know what a fleshly mansion is like but these are spiritual mansions, and I haven't a clue.
My dear Blik . . . your message both shocked me and thrilled me! First, to read that you're 96, causes me to realize that I should have been easier on you in the past, which in turn causes me to realize that I need to be easier on everyone. How am I to do that? I'm not quite sure, but I do apologize if I have ever hurt your feelings in any way. I have to be better. Much respect to you, our fine Elder!
I've thought about you all throughout my day; my mind tends to naturally wander. I realized that I don't actually know anything about the Heavenly Mansions, but I'm sure that you've read of my account of having met the Lord in the Arizona desert. My friend, when I read of the story of Paul on the Damascus Road, I see that he was still able to speak to the Lord, for he knew that he in fact, was dealing with the Lord. He said:
Acts 9:3-5 NLT - "As he was approaching Damascus on this mission, a light from heaven suddenly shone down around him. 4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul! Saul! Why are you persecuting me?" 5 "Who are you, lord?" Saul asked. And the voice replied, "I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting!"
Have you noted that he "fell" to the ground? He didn't throw himself nor did he kneel. He fell, as he was powerless against the Lord. However, he was still able to speak, referring to Christ as "Lord." Isn't that amazing? The Power of God is so incredible that we simply cannot contend with it . . . and further, we are able to identify by this Raw, Almighty Power, that it is the source of the One who hath created all things. There is no mistaking this Power. And when a person feels it, again, we KNOW that the source is our Powerful, Almighty God!
I, too, have felt this Power of the Spirit of the Lord, but for me, not only was I immobilized, but I couldn't speak. The Power of God's overwhelming Peace and Love was so physically strong, that I wonderfully gasped for breath. I would have been lucky to have died! So I may not know of these Heavenly Mansions, but I WILL testify that what you are about to receive, should those doctors be correct, you will be so grateful and happy that you finally passed to the other side! You will learn that the moment and process of dying is nothing to be afraid of. It's nothing!
Psalm 116:15 KJV - "
Precious in the sight of the LORD
is the death of his saints."
Ecclesiastes 7:1 KJV - "A good name is
better than precious ointment; and
the day of death than the day of one's birth."
Believe me, these most Holy Words that describe the utter Glories of death are so . . . incredibly . . . 100% True! Do you know why this day will be Precious to your Lord, God? Because He cannot wait to be in your presence. And you . . . you will be floored beyond imagination how good it feels to be finally shed of this world that belongs to Satan. This is a place of corruption, this life in a physical body. Every piece and particle of this fleshly world is nothing compared to the simple Presence of the Lord! The greatest and most rewarding and fulfilling sexual relationship imaginable . . . it is nothing compared to the Peace and Holy Love that I felt that day. And I am certain that the reason for why Paul was so quickly Transformed; and the reason for why He wrote of the most incredible writings this world has ever seen . . . it is because of that Holy Day on the Damascus Road!
Last April I found out that I had prostate cancer. Because of my Powerful Spiritual Experience, I was relieved to hear the news! I was not worried nor concerned about dying; though I must admit that I was sad that I would be taken of this life before I could use the Lord's experience in a way that someone would finally accept (instead of rejecting). Isn't that something?! To hear that I had cancer, this did not frighten me, but it brought relief. To write such words floors even me. Unfortunately, I later found out that virtually no one dies of Prostate Cancer anymore. "They" say that something else will "get me" before that low-level form of cancer. And sure enough, doggone it, my last blood draw showed that my PSA levels were "low-normal." There was no trace of an unhealthy source of Cancer. So, I'm stuck here on this miserable planet filled with miserable, unhappy people, including the billions of "said christians" that are so desperately lost (and don't seem to be waking up to proper Fear of the Lord).
Blik . . . I am jealous of you! While I would never kill myself, I sure am jealous of your Blessed life and what seems to be a near-death. But because of this Power that I have felt but just once, I 100% understand how Paul felt when he wrote:
Philippians 1:23-25 NLT - "I'm torn between two desires: I long to go and be with Christ, which would be far better for me. But for your sake, it is better that I continue to live. Knowing this, I am convinced that I will remain alive so I can continue to help all of you grow and experience the joy of your faith."
What awaits you is the most incredible "thing" imaginable! You will know that to have worried about death, if you ever have, was such a silly thing to do. It is a blessing! From the day we were born, our sole objective was to receive the Circumcision of Christ . . . there is nothing more important than that! The next best thing, for us as individuals, is to wait for our inevitable death. For in that moment of dying, the Lord is there, ready and waiting for us. Can you imagine that?! The Lord is watching you right now; never leaving your presence; always knowing what you think and feel; always knowing exactly where you are, and He WILL be there for you.
We've all heard stories of how some people, just as they're about to die (this happened to my Blessed Grandmother), they look up, hold out their arms and hands and say, "Jesus!" They stare completely wide-eyed into what we see as nothing, but those who are about to die, they [do] see Jesus! And they are in His Presence and they are feeling that wonderful, Glorious, Holy Power that I described above. Regardless of any pain that may have had, they no longer feel it as they reach for Him. They feel amazing! They are literally encapsulated within His Love as though an olive within a martini glass. We are consumed, and you, too, will be consumed by His Holy Power, Peace, and Love.
May these Words grasp your Heart and Soul . . . may they encourage you as you approach your Blessed and Holy Day!
All my Love to you,