with respect I think you need to be honest with yourself or you don’t know the atrocities going on. The Palestinians have been treated like dirt well before Israel was created. whose murdering, abusing, raping, starving a whole population, many have said kill them all - research and you find its Israel. Jews lived very happily under Muslim rule and the Muslim countries took them in when they were being persecuted in Europe. Many Jews in Israel and around the world support the Palestinian cause because they know that they are not antisemitic. How could the Arabs be when they are also exploited by the Zionist Jews.
Hamas have never stated that they want all the Jews dead.
What Genocide are the Palestinians committing?
Hamas have never stated that they want all the Jews dead.
What Genocide are the Palestinians committing?
There never were any Palestinians. That is a construct promoted by those who want to rewrite history to suit their own antisemitic agenda. What was called Palestine was under Ottoman rule for centuries. The British called the place Palestine. Israel was given the right to create the state under the auspices of the UN.
Palestinians march in the streets shouting, "Death to Jews". Not exactly representative of a religion of peace. There is a spirit of insanity gripping the world now. "Queers for Palestine"? Do they not realise that Queers would be murdered by the people they support? Antisemitic Jews? Sure. Have you not read of the Synagogue of Satan? Judas was a Jew. It helps to remember that.
Hamas has not called for the death of Jews? Really?
"Hamas official, Hamad Al-Regeb in an April 2023 sermon: He prayed for “annihilation” and “paralysis” of the Jews whom he described as filthy animals: “[Allah] transformed them into filthy, ugly animals like apes and pigs because of the injustice and evil they had brought about.” Al-Regeb also prayed for the ability to “get to the necks of the Jews.”
"In its founding charter, Hamas cites a particularly violent hadith as proof that Muslims need to fight and kill Jews:
The hour of judgment shall not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, so that the Jews hide behind trees and stones, and each tree and stone will say: 'Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him,' except for the Gharqad tree, for it is the tree of the Jews. (Hamas Charter, Article 7).
Shia Islam in particular is intent on Israel's destruction. They have their own "Messiah" who they believe won't come until Israel no longer exists. Well they've been trying for 76 years. So much for the power of "Allah".
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