"No harmful spirit in God" is different from "no harmful spirit from God".
God has his purposes, which are beyond our understanding, and He occasionally uses means which might clash with our ideas of His nature. Just as He allows the negative consequences of our choices to occur in the natural world, He allows things in the spiritual world in a similar way. We don't need to redefine terms in order to make things fit in our theological boxes.
In 1 Kings 22, God consults the heavenly council regarding the means of Ahab's demise...
19 Micaiah continued, “Therefore hear the word of the Lord: I saw the Lord sitting on his throne with all the multitudes of heaven standing around him on his right and on his left. 20 And the Lord said, ‘Who will entice Ahab into attacking Ramoth Gilead and going to his death there?’
“One suggested this, and another that. 21 Finally, a spirit came forward, stood before the Lord and said, ‘I will entice him.’
22 “‘By what means?’ the Lord asked.
“‘I will go out and be a deceiving spirit in the mouths of all his prophets,’ he said.
“‘You will succeed in enticing him,’ said the Lord. ‘Go and do it.’
23 “So now the Lord has put a deceiving spirit in the mouths of all these prophets of yours. The Lord has decreed disaster for you.”
God has his purposes, which are beyond our understanding, and He occasionally uses means which might clash with our ideas of His nature. Just as He allows the negative consequences of our choices to occur in the natural world, He allows things in the spiritual world in a similar way. We don't need to redefine terms in order to make things fit in our theological boxes.
In 1 Kings 22, God consults the heavenly council regarding the means of Ahab's demise...
19 Micaiah continued, “Therefore hear the word of the Lord: I saw the Lord sitting on his throne with all the multitudes of heaven standing around him on his right and on his left. 20 And the Lord said, ‘Who will entice Ahab into attacking Ramoth Gilead and going to his death there?’
“One suggested this, and another that. 21 Finally, a spirit came forward, stood before the Lord and said, ‘I will entice him.’
22 “‘By what means?’ the Lord asked.
“‘I will go out and be a deceiving spirit in the mouths of all his prophets,’ he said.
“‘You will succeed in enticing him,’ said the Lord. ‘Go and do it.’
23 “So now the Lord has put a deceiving spirit in the mouths of all these prophets of yours. The Lord has decreed disaster for you.”
Nice Post!!
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