Mark 1
- Jesus cures a possessed man in a synagogue where he teaches during the Sabbath
- Jesus cures Simon’s mother-in-law at the home of Simon and Andrew
- Jesus cures many people
- Jesus goes into synagogues to preach and expel demons
- Jesus also cures a leper
- People keep coming to Jesus to be cured
Mark 2
- Jesus cures a paralytic who is brought to Jesus through the roof.
- Jesus cures the paralytic and forgives his sins to show he can forgive sins to answer scribes.
Mark 3
- Jesus cures a man with a withered hand in a synagogue on the Sabbath.
- And the Pharisees oppose him.
- Wherever Jesus goes, crowds follow him and he cures many and many want to touch him.
- Even demons says Jesus is the Son of God.
Mark 4
- During a storm when Jesus and his disciples are in a boat, Jesus stops the storm
Mark 5
- Jesus cures a possessed man and let all the demons to get into a great herd of swine (2,000 pigs)
- The man cured tells everybody about what Jesus did to him
- Jairus one of the presiding officers of the synagogue asks Jesus to cure his daughter
- a woman who had had a flow of blood for 12 years touches Jesus and is cured
- Jesus feels it and asks who did that so she answers
- Jesus goes to cure Jairus’ daughter
- Some men say that she is dead
- But Jesus goes to his house
- he says she is not dead but sleeping and the men laugh
- Jesus cures his daughter
Mark 6
- Jesus teaches in the synagogue during the Sabbath
- People can’t believe it because he is a carpenter
- Jesus doesn’t perform powerful works as a consequence only curing few sick people
- He sends the Twelve out two by two and gives them authority over the unclean spirits
- The disciples cure many people
- King Herod thinks Jesus is John the Baptizer raised up after he has him beheaded
- Jesus feeds the crowd (5,000 men) by multiplying loaves of bread and fish
- Jesus walks on the sea during a storm and calm the storm
- Jesus keeps curing people even those who just touch him
Mark 7
- A Greek woman asks Jesus to cure his possessed daughter but he has come for the Jews
- Because of her answer Jesus cures her daughter
- Jesus cures a deaf man with a speech impediment
Mark 8
- Jesus feeds 4,000 people by multiplying bread and fish
- he cures a blind man in two stages
Mark 9
- Jesus’ disciples can’t expel a demon so Jesus must do the job
Mark 10
- Jesus cures a blind man called Bartimaeus
Mark 11
- Jesus dries a fig tree without fruit because it isn’t the season but Jesus is hungry