Gay people are human beings, children of the most high. Our role as Christians is to be there for them in their time of need. If they need food, clothing, or water - if they are in a prison, a hospital, or abandoned: We are called to be there for them when we come to learn of their condition. This is not only true of gays, but of all people in need. Christians are the savior's of this planet. We are called to bring the message of salvation to everybody. Not only in word, but in deed.....especially in deed. If they outright reject the message of salvation, then it will be between them and the Father. We have to remember, it may not be the message they reject, but the messenger. The focus is what we are doing to advance the Kingdom of God. In justice, Freedom, and Salvation. Not only Salvation for the afterlife, but salvation from the sin in life we have now. Sin that brings fear, worry, isolation, dread, hunger, death, and behavior that is ungodly. We are the Light of the World....let them come us.
A heart-like-Christ post. Welcome to Christian Chat.