Here's the verse:
Heaven must receive (receive and retain, to contain) him until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets.
Your comment is irrelevant. The verse is clear that Jesus remains/stays in heaven until the times of restoration. And the Trib cannot be in any way called a "restoration".
Note, I did not say "a restoration" (if you mean by this that all things are "completed" by that point), but rather as part of "
the TIMES of restoration
of all things of which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets
from the age"... I disagree that the tribulation period is NOT a part of "the TIMES of" that... I believe it most certainly IS (that is, in that time period He will have commenced such), and here's a couple of reasons, which I mention in a great many of my past posts on this Subject (tho it's doubtful ppl actually look up the references when I merely list them, at times):
--DURING the trib years (FOLLOWING "our Rapture") is when He will
again be calling Israel (
who is PRESENTLY "lo ammi'),
"MY PEOPLE" / "MY PEOPLE ISRAEL"... examples: Ezek39:
7 (I supplied
Gen45:1 as a type of the wording shown here in this verse (when there were "yet 5 yrs" remaining of Joseph's "7 yr famine"):
"And there
= "SO [/in this way]
will *I* MAKE MY HOLY NAME KNOWN in the midst of
(I believe this "war" will take place as PART of the "SECOND SEAL WARS"
early in the trib yrs,
which leads me to the next passage...),
Hosea 5:14-6:3 "I will go and return to my place
TILL" [from the time of His ascension]... and "
WILL seek Me
early" and "after TWO days" and "IN the THIRD day,
He will raise us up..." which is parallel to other passages I've listed:
re: Israel's future)
to A RESURRECTION (not a literal, "physical/bodily resurrection from the DEAD"):
Daniel 12:1-4,10...
Ezekiel 37:12-13,20-23... ('dry bones' prophecy--same time-slot as the 39:7 I just mentioned)
Hosea 5:14-6:3... (
as I mentioned above) "
Isaiah 26:14-21 ("Come,
MY PEOPLE"--but note vv.13-19 and then v.2-3 of the following chpt--'A VINEYARD'--that this context is
re: Israel [Isa5:7a, parallel Jesus' parables])...
Roman 11:15[25-29; and 9:26/Hos1:10-11/2:23a (not pt b)
re: Israel]... "blindness [/a hardening]...
John 6:39 [
distinct from v.40]...
Micah 5:3 [
whereas 5:2 is re: Jesus' birth], "Therefore will he give them up,
UNTIL the time
that she which travaileth [<--identifying her] HATH BROUGHT FORTH:
THEN the remnant of his brethren
SHALL RETURN UNTO the children of Israel" (I already mentioned in a past post what I believe this speaks to)...
Jer33:25 כֹּה אָמַר יְהוָה אִם־לֹא בְרִיתִי יוֹמָם וָלָיְלָה חֻקּוֹת שָׁמַיִם וָאָרֶץ לֹא־שָֽׂמְתִּי׃
Jeremiah 33:25 - [also Jer31:
35-37,31-34] -
23 And there is a word of YHWH to Jeremiah, saying,
24 “Have you not considered what this people have spoken, saying,
The two families on which YHWH fixed,
He rejects them? And they despise My people, so that they are no longer a people before them!”
25 Thus said YHWH: “If My covenant [is] not with day and night,
[And if] I have not appointed/established [H7760] the statutes/ordinances [H2708] of the heavens [plural] and earth—
26 I also reject the seed of Jacob, and My servant David,
From taking rulers from his seed
For the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
For I return [H7725] their captivity, and have pitied them.”
[quoting an old post]
I'm looking for a different quote by George V Wigram... but (in the meantime) in its place, I'll just post this brief portion also by him (note the phrase
"God's governmental ways on earth," which is what I believe
Roman's 11's "olive tree" represents):
[quoting Wigram]
"Gen. 27:29 [Isaac blessing Jacob]. Let peoples (
gamnzim, pl.), serve thee and [manners or sorts of ] nations (
l'ummim, pl.) bow down to thee: be lord [a mighty man] over thy brethren.
Observe, this would not run the source of the division of people back to Shem, Ham and Japhet,
so as to make the word to be equivalent to what we call the races of people,
in connection with the Noahic earth, who constitute the whole human family.
The subdivision here alluded to took place in the family of Isaac, type of the heir of promise, not earlier;
and the heads of this subdivision are brought before us in Rom. 9 All God's ways and subdivisions are to be noted."
"f Israel is the goh'y of experience, promise, blessing on the earth; the center of all
God's governmental ways on earth; but in saying that, I look at them from outside and as one whole.
When they are owned as gammi, my people,
their detailed state and associations within is the aspect in which they are considered."
--George V Wigram
[quoting that other article by Wigram]
"[re: Romans 11]
In Jesus Christ, if the question be about Christian position, eternal life, or the Church considered in her essential relationship to Christ, there was neither Jew nor Gentile; the thoughts found in this chapter [Romans 11] can THERE have no place. If the question be about the cutting off of an individual for sinful conduct, little matters it whether he be Jew or Gentile; that has nothing to do with it, and on the other hand, there would be no question about grafting in again of the Jews more than of any others, and neither Jews nor others could be grafted in, if God had cut them off in such a manner.
And if it were a question about a warning from the Apostle to Christians at Rome, and so to others elsewhere, as being brethren, it would be almost nonsense to say, " And thou, O Gentile, take heed!" Why, thou, O Gentile? Had not Christians, Jews by birth, as much need to take heed? Or could the Spirit of God, in such a warning, have made the distinction, and thus denied the principle of, the Church of God in which there is neither Jew nor Gentile?
If the question is about a divine administration upon earth, then God can well make the distinction and develop his ways towards the one and the other; and
it is plain that from the commencement of the ninth chapter the Apostle is occupied with and pointedly contrasts the Jews and the Gentiles,
presenting us with the administration of the divine ways upon the earth. First declaring his attachment to Israel, he points out an election in the election for the earth, and further, that if God according to his sovereignty had chosen Israel (and such was Israel's boast), He had not renounced His sovereignty; and consequently, He could call the Gentiles if he would. Then he recalls to mind that the prophets had shown that a little remnant only, of Israel, at such an epoch, would be saved, and that a stone of stumbling would be laid in Zion."
-- Thoughts on Romans 11 and the Responsibility of the Church, Present Testimony: Volume 4 George V. Wigram
[end quoting; bold and underline mine]
--[I've also mentioned...] the
"four living creatures" (at the START of that future, specific, LIMITED time period, the "IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]" time-period per Rev1:1 / 1:19c / 4:1) and how THEY are described in the same way that the 4-directional plotment of Israel had been in the OT... so that these in some way pertain to THEM (and "action" God will at that time be taking, by means of Jesus Himself when He will "STAND to JUDGE" [Isa3:13, Rev5:6, (Lam2:3-4 parallel the wording in 2Th2:7b-8a), etc] by opening the FIRST SEAL at the START of the trib yrs...
in the Olivet Discourse (in the section surrounding "the BEGINNING of birth PANGS" [i.e. START of 7-trib yrs];
FOLLOWING "our Rapture") continues on by talking about the believing remnant of Israel AT THAT TIME, by saying (of them), "...and
ye shall be hated of all the nations for My Name's sake" (the
consistent "ye/you" throughout the passage also speaking of them--the "proleptic 'you'" (those who've been promised the promised and prophesied
earthly Millennial Kingdom)--and same who, in the parallel passage to 24:29-31, in Isa27:12-13 are said will be "gathered ONE by ONE, O ye children of Israel... to worship the Lord in the holy mount AT JERUSALEM" [when He SHALL SEND His angels to gather them TO THERE, at the END of the trib yrs]... and I believe the phrase "the least of these My brethren" [Matt25:40,45]
speaks ALSO of them...
THEY will be the "INVITERS" of that future time period [DURING the 7-yr trib yrs], etc etc...)
--the concept of the glory of God in
two spheres/realms... (notice the phrase "Lord
of the earth" in Rev11:4 plus some OT references to same / similar wording)...
--much much more... (so little time
